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Tuesday, 1 June 2004
sorry i am late on the posts
the 47th neopets is here!!!

The Yurble!
The 47th Neopet has just been released. You will be pleased to know Yurbles are NOT limited edtion so everyone can own one. For more Yurble info, check New Features.

but sadly that does mean more people will be making and abandoning more animals :(!!



her store-StRbErRiShRtCkE

her pets-HoLlYbErRy_2004~~Kailey_neo33~~SuPeRsTaR_neo33~~jimmytheugly911

her position-adoption help



her store-

her pet- ele_blonde

her position- adoption boss

We now have 8 members!!!

please vote for my neopet in the beauty contest

to go to her voting page click

Posted by hero/lhac_guild0 at 1:54 PM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 1 June 2004 2:04 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 18 May 2004

Sorry I haven't been able to post new news latly but I have been very busy

If the guild point info. page isnt working correctly for you please note that I will have it fixed A.S.A.P

!!!Look A New Band!!!

Introducing Gründo!
Everyone is raving about the loudest band to come from Kreludor! Their fast-paced guitar solos and catchy drum beats are kicking up a storm at the The Tyrannian Concert Hall !

Posted by hero/lhac_guild0 at 10:41 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 23 May 2004 3:54 PM EDT
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Sunday, 16 May 2004
may 16 news

these items will soon be added to the guild point list

pets waiting to be painted


new adoptable pet


I am going as fast as possible to get all the other links we need for the site

Posted by hero/lhac_guild0 at 4:29 PM EDT
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Saturday, 15 May 2004
first day of news

Welcome to the Loving Hearts Adoption Centers web site

we only have one pet up for adoption at the moment and that is

in order to get all the pets we want and paint them all we will need a secret lab map

the secret lab map will let us paint one pet a day so in a month we could have 31 painted pets up for adoption

this guild is a bit differnt in the way we do things though so befor you decide you want to adopt a pet you need to read the rules of adopting

please donate to the guild the more money we get the faster we can get that map, and we only need one

yes this guild and this web site are very new so we haven't got every detail worked out yet but it is soon to come

also soon to come will be guild points to learn more read guild points info.

if you want your pet to be POTM or you want to be MOTM then read the MOTM and POTM page

also soon to come will be a advise e-mail that you can e-mail and tell us what you think the guild needs

also there will be contests, prizes, and givaways check the CP&G page to find out what those are and check it often to see if we have come up with more

Posted by hero/lhac_guild0 at 11:54 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 16 May 2004 10:46 AM EDT
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