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OH SHIT, I am so fucking stupid. I am really sory aobut not showing to the meating. I uninstaled D2 cause there was something wrong with it, and now i cant find the D2 play disk. Anyway i cant get on for a wile now. My MSN name is
September 1,2003

I am an idiot. I made a huge typo, actualy 2. Ok the meating is on the 5th of this month and go to channel strong bad. Sory about that.
September 1,2003

August 23,2003
Ok, Im sory I havent been on, Iv been doing so work on my computer, school started, and i got a new graphix card so i had to reinstal a lot of crap. So anyway i have decided that the clan meeting will be on November 1st. If ur not there im gona send you an e-mail(expet cyrus cause I dont have your e-mail and I know you play on closed a lot). So come to evil empire channel.

August 18,2003
Hey all whats up, my server has been acting up so I can get into So anyway, akira had an idea for a clan meeting so we can discues stuff and trade off items. Whenever you guys want it e-mail me ant tell me.

August 15,2003
If anyone in teh clan knows HTML e-mail me and I'll let you work on the site.

August 14,2003
Sory I havent updated this site in a wile, iv been a little preocupied. Anyway i am going to, maby, make a new site cause I found a new server that don't have adds and popups.

August 11,2003
Ok! I have to change the channel again cause some dirty fuckers found ours, anyway, its strong bad.

August 8,2003
First off im not going to be on this weekend at all, and I cant check my e-mail.

August 7,2003
Im getting a message board.
We are going to have a message board as soon as i can find a free one, casue I dont have a credit card. If anyone knows of one please e-mail me.

August 7,2003
Ok, I think that the channel anarchy is already taken so forget about that channel and use evil empire. Oh ya I better say this, no one goes out and declares war on another clan in the name of the Legit Clan, cause Im sure no one wants to put up with some asshole hackers killing us out of nowere.

Agaust 7, 2003
New members(check members page)

Agaust 4, 2003
our new clan is up and running. The Legit Clan is as you guessed totaly legit.

Soon To Come
- Items our caln is looking for, and the people who are looking for them.
- My e-mail adress.