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LAIKA'S LAIR- The Animal Rescue Help And Advice Page

"When they tell you you can't save them all, tell them you CAN save them all- one at a time."


If you're here, you're probably an animal lover who wants to learn more about helping needy animals. On my page, I will tell you how to approach and rescue a stray dog, how to care for feral cats, how to bottle-raise an orphaned baby animal, and much more.


* under construction

How to help an animal even if you can't keep it yourself.
Rescuing stray dogs.
Rescuing stray cats.
Helping lost pets find their way home.
When not to return a lost pet to it's owner.
Helping abused and fearful animals in your care. *
Helping feral cats and dogs.
Rescuing an injured animal.
Caring for pregnant cats and their litters.
Caring for pregnant dogs and their litters.
Raising orphaned babies.
Rehoming a pet in your care.
Saving wildlife. *
LINKS: find a no-kill shelter or animal rescue organization in your area. *
SPECIAL SECTION- Surviving Parvovirus- the disease, the symptoms and the treatment.
