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'1 9 9 6 | O L Y M P I C | G O L D | M E D A L I S T '


Your Olympic Hero Has Arrived, Oh, It's True!

-= Your olympic hero has arrived, it's true it's damn true. The camera's were on Jim Ross and King, though. But don't worry, Kurt Angle will be here shortly. While the camera was on JR and King, they welcomed the viewers. "Across The Nation" plays in the background. =-

-|[ Good 'Ol ( | ) Jim Ross ]|- "Welcome everybody to the World Wrestling Entertainment! I'm Jim Ross and I'm joined alongside with my co-host Jerry 'The King' Lawler."

-|[ The King ( | ) Jerry Lawler ]|- "J.R., this week is going to be HUGE. I mean, June 23rd, it's our very first Raw, J.R.!"

-|[ Good 'Ol ( | ) Jim Ross ]|- "That's right, King. Already lined up for the night is a Last Man Standing match-up, a Street fight, and even a triple threat inside of a 15 foot high .. steel cage!"

-|[ The King ( | ) Jerry Lawler ]|- "J.R., you're forgetting the best part!"

-|[ Good 'Ol ( | ) Jim Ross ]|- "What's that, King?"

-|[ The King ( | ) Jerry Lawler ]|- "The puppies-tournament!"

-|[ Good 'Ol ( | ) Jim Ross ]|- "You're puppy crazy."

-|[ The King ( | ) Jerry Lawler ]|- "You say it like it's a bad thing!"

-|[ Good 'Ol ( | ) Jim Ross ]|- "Well folks, -- wait a second. King, I've gotten word that someone has arrived here backstage. Let's get the scoop."

-= The cameras cut backstage of the parking lot, where a limo has already arrived. The cameras go down to the limo's back door, and who would step out? That's right, the man who's picture is at the top of this layout, Kurt Angle. Kurt steps out wearing his All American red jumpsuit. He let's out a, "Whoo." as he shuts the door of the limo. =-

-|[ Good 'Ol ( | ) Jim Ross ]|- "My God, King, Kurt Angle's here!"

-= Kurt holds his bags over his shoulder and begins walking to the arena door. Of course, backstage interviewer Jonathan Coachman walks from out of nowhere to Angle. Kurt continues to walk past Coachman, actually not paying any attention to him. =-

-|[ The Coach ( | ) Jonathan Coachman ]|- "Kurt, Kurt!" -= He yelled while running up to Kurt, starting to walk aside him. =- "Do you mind giving us a few words?"

-|[ Your Olympic Hero ( | ) Kurt Angle ]|- -= He stopped to look at Coach. =- "A few words, Coachman? A few words? I am an Olympic Gold Medalist, a champion of champions, and I just walked onto this premises, and you ask for a few words? Well, let me tell you something, Coachman, it's something called respect. And I, for one, is someone who deserves that respect. You ask people that are found on the streets of North Carolina for a few words. And hell, we know there's a lot of bums here. But someone like me, you'd ask for a freakin' speech! So, just for that, Coachman, you're not going to get a few words!"

-= Kurt walks past Coachman, away from the scene. What a disgraceful ingrate Coachman is. No respect. Coach just looked at the camera like an idiot, quite shocked about what Kurt had said. =-

-|[ Good 'Ol ( | ) Jim Ross ]|- "Well, King, look like Kurt Angle is here and is here to stay. Hopefully, we'll be able to get the real story, next!"

-= The screen goes to commercials. Commercials: Lugz, Chocolate Milk, and the WWE Raw preview. As we return, we're inside of the Greensboro Coliseum. The fans all around are cheering, probably because they just saw the most talented superstar to ever hit the wrestling business, Kurt Angle, debut. 'I Don't Suck' hits on the p.a. system as the crowd stands on there feet with a loud mixed reaction. Kurt Angle walked out now wearing his wrestling attire. =-

-= The crowd chanted 'You suck!' to the rhythm of his music. Kurt walked out on the stage and looked to the fans to his sides. We couldn't tell if he liked the fans chanting or not, but we will soon enough. Kurt walked down to the upper part of the rampway, and stopped. Looking up and pointing to the rafters, pyros exploded at the sides of the rampway and the crowd cheered and continued to chant. Angle walked all the way down the rampway then, and climbed up the steel stairs, then entering the ring. Kurt spun around with his arms out to the side, and a smile on his face. Kurt took the microphone from whoever it is who handed it to him, Kurt really didn't care because they weren't anyone important like him. Kurt waited for his music to die down before he began speaking. =-

-|[ Your Olympic Hero ( | ) Kurt Angle ]|- "Man does it feel good to be in this ring!" -= The crowd responded with lots of cheers. =- "Wait a second .. did I just hear you people cheer? And just a seconded ago I heard my music play with a chorus of 'you sucks' coming from all around this arena. I don't what it is that is wrong with you people, but I don't suck!"-= This set the crowd off with more 'You suck!' chants. =- "That's the thing that's wrong with people today. They don't show respect where it is needed to be shown. Let me tell you something about Kurt Angle. In 1996, I went to the Olympics for you people! And I came home with these here across my neck." -= Kurt grabbed his medals and showed them. =- "These here proved just how damn good I really am! You see guys walking around with belts and think they had a hard road to glory? Heck no! Obviously, they haven't met Kurt Angle. I wrestled in the olympics with a broken freakin' neck! I think that's more than any of you or anyone in this building would or even could do! Now do you people think I suck!?" -= The crowd cheer louder than before. =- "I guess you will just have to learn the hard way, just like everyone else. You see, Kurt Angle, the 1996 Olympic Gold Medalist has arrived here in the WWE, and, oh yeah, I'm here to stay."

-|[ The King ( | ) Jerry Lawler ]|- "This is great, J.R.! These people need to show Kurt some respect."

-|[ Your Olympic Hero ( | ) Kurt Angle ]|- "The sad thing is, I won't be able to perform here this week on Raw. I would think with someone with my abilities would have the first spot in wrestling for the show. I mean, I am Kurt Angle, I should be in the main event. But you know, I'll just sit back and relax while I watch the rest of these guys try and entertain. Although, I know that no one entertains as good as myself, but the main fact is they try, right? Speaking of other wrestlers, I was watching at my home in Pittsburgh the other day, and I saw a certain person come out here, talk a bit, and then say something that just made Kurt Angle think that this guy doesn't know what the heck he's talking about it. Who the heck am I talking about? I am talking about Christian. He had the indecency to say that Canada breeds the best wrestlers out of all the countries!? Are you kidding me? I mean, sure, Canada has some good athletes, but no one matches up to the American Hero Kurt Angle! And well, America's is the best country in the world, baby, yeah!" -= Kurt gets a huge pop for this. =- "And throughout the next few weeks, I'm going to prove to everyone worldwide why that's a true statement! It's true, it's damn true! You know, now that I think of it, I might be the only hero you people have left. Who else can you look up to? Give me someone that we can call a hero. You think hero, you think Kurt .. Angle! And before I leave, I want you all to remember my three I's: Integrity, Intensity, and Intelligence. Remember the three I's and keep shooting for the stars, thank you ladies and gentlemen!"

-= Kurt puts the mic away and goes to the turnbuckle. He climbs up and taunts with his arms out to the side. Kurt smiles for the fans, who are going wild with pictures. The fans continue the 'You suck' chants as Kurt gets down from his position and exits out of the ring. Angle goes back up the rampway, happy with his work he has done today. The screen slowly fades out to black as Kurt walks backstage. =-