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Subject:The Killer and The Samurai
Opponents: Nirvana
Memories are dreams, saved for a time
Memories are blessings, that are sent to the divine
What’s a world worth living, without a past
Hoping soon the day, will be your last

And with the bad, comes happy thoughts
But Happy thoughts cant help…the feeling of distraught
Haunting nightmares plague the night
Yet in ones sleep its hard to fight

A mind is tortured with disturbing dreams
Searching for truth, are the dreams as they seem?
The quest brings perils, searching hard and deep
All for the journey of everlasting peace in sleep

(The scene opens to a very gloomy day. The sun can not be seen no matter where you are and storm clouds blanket the sky. A harsh wind blows hard to the east that causes a chilly bite in the air. Thunder booms in the distance to warn of a coming storm. The day is not a pleasant day. A feeling of uneasiness looms in the air which makes everyone just a bit nervous and anxious. The location is a weird place. Not very ordinary… We are in front of a large stone building. It is a high multi level building with small windows lining the walls. The building is surrounded by a twelve foot wall that serves as a fence. Set high atop the wall are large coils of barbed wire. The building is a sad gray that would match the sky. From the outside the building looks like any large high security prison. The camera pans the wall for a sort of sign. Near the front of the large gated entrance is a sign saying, “THE SMITH FOUNDATION ORPHANARIUM.” And at the gate is a man well known. A man by the name of Joe Mokoko, “The Krimson Dragon.” He is dressed in a pair of baggy black slacks and a tight fitting, crimson SFT shirt. He has on a long black trench coat and a black wide brimmed hat. His mask is tightly tied on and he stares at the ground. He seems to know this place. He look up at the building, eyes on fire and watering profusely. It seems like this is his next stop. The quest continues on with this place. One more memory has been realized and ceased to haunt him and now Mokoko wants to end the nightmares of another. Mokoko reaches out to touch the gate, his hand trembling as he does so. He stops within two inches and pauses for a couple seconds. In his mind runs rampant the dreams he has been witnessing over the past few nights. The horrible visions he has seen. He question his mind’s capability to take the pain again…Mokoko closes his eyes and with a burst of pure determination, grabs an iron bar of the gate. Pain shoots through his entire body and Mokoko drops to his knees, hand still grasped tightly to the iron gate. Me throws his head back and lets out a yell as the dreams quickly flash through his head. Here we go again into the mind of our struggling hero.)

((The scene opens to a distant time. We are standing on the outskirts of a country road. The road is in very poor condition and on each side of it stands tall prairie grass. The grass stands eerily still as the wind is still and the temperature is very freezing in this time. Rain begins to pour down on this nowhere setting. The Rain hit’s the ground but not a sound is heard. The silence is soon broken by a large crack of lightning. It strikes down in the field as we see a small boy running frantically through the tall grass. The kid constantly is looking behind him as he run. As he reaches the street he turns back to look and trips over a jutting root from the ground. The fall lands the small little kid into the open of the road. On his hands and knees, the kid pants as he stares hard at the ground below him. The kids clothing is absolutely soaked and full of rips and tears, more than likely from the run. The rain water drips from the kids chin as he continues to pant. He snarls and punches the ground hard twice with his left fist. Tears begin to fall from his cheeks as they drop into a puddle on the ground below. Headlights can be seen coming down the road. The car is going at great speeds and the kid is totally oblivious to its approach. The kid cries out to the lord as the car is on him. He tilts his head towards the car and the car’s high beam tells us exactly who this character is. The character is the same little Mokoko as from the church.

Mokoko looks at these headlights and stays in his position, not blinking a single time. Mokoko soon passes out from the anxiety and oppression. The car at the last minute swerves and just misses him. A middle-aged woman with flowing brown hair steps out of the car with a stern look on his face. The woman picks Mokoko up and sets him in her car. She looks around to see if he had dropped anything and or she had missed something. She shrugs her shoulders before feeling the hair on the back of her neck rise. She slowly turns around to face the field and sees a large black figure staring at her and Mokoko from a distance. In a rush, she jumps back into her car. She then floors it out of there, all the while looking into her rear view mirror at the man who never moved.

They drive for a while before coming to a Stone building resembling a prison. The building opens its gates as the car drives up and closes when it passes through. She pulls into a parking space and steps out of her car. She walks over to a small group of workers on breaks and tells a large man in a white nursing outfit to bring Mokoko into her office. He nods and they proceed to her office. Inside the lifeless outside of this complex is a beautifully and well designed living quarters. They reach the woman’s office and she points to a room down the hallway. The man nods and sets Mokoko down on a bed in that room. The dream starts to fade for now.))

(Mokoko releases his hand from the iron bar. Mokoko holds his hand out in front of him, sweating and short of breath. On the palm of his hand trickles blood in four spots and behind the blood is the red imprint of the bar. Pain and dreams can cause a man to do things without knowing. Only when coming to their senses, is when they realize what they are doing. Usually by then it is too late. Mokoko slowly staggers to his feet. He stumbles around a bit before propping his back against the wall. He slides down the wall and places his face in his hands. He takes off his hat and sets it on the ground. He leans his head back again and gently bangs it again and again. Mokoko looks again at his sore hand and begins to rub the spot where the bar had been. The sudden look of anger crosses his face. He puts his hat back on his head and stands up. He walks up to the gate and raises his now trembling hand up to the gate. His hand inches his way to the gate. Mokoko grabs the gate and swings it open very quickly. Nothing happens this time around. Mokoko breathes a sigh of relief and steps into the gated fortress of an orphanarium. Mokoko steps up to the glass entrance doors and grabs the handle. Locked. Mokoko puts his hands on the glass and presses his face against them. He looks inside but all he can see is a long deserted hallway. He bangs hard on the glass of the door but no one comes. Mokoko swears and takes a couple of steps back, all the while looking at the door. He takes a couple of steps more backwards and soon runs into something. Something that was there before. Mokoko begins to turn around but is hit hard with a blunt object. He falls hard flat to the ground. With blurry vision he see the shadow of a black figure. He soon falls unconscious.

“This shall be the day of your demise, the day the prophecy is fulfilled. We will not fail again…”

(The scene soon comes back with the waking eyes of Mokoko slowly blinking the blur out of reality. He is no longer outside on hard ground floor but in a very white room. The room seems so white its sterile. He is alone and very woozy. He sits up and hangs his feet off the edge of the bed. The bed is placed in the back corner of the room. Also in the room is a white table, connecting and jutting out of the wall. It has no legs and a white chair is positioned under it. A jacket and hat, along with Mokoko’s mask are on the chair. On the table are bloody gauze pads and a bowl of water. A door stands closed in the front of the room. Near the top of the door is a small window which is reinforced by iron gating in the glass. Mokoko rubs his face with his hands. His head pounds like an African drum. He reaches up and feels the point of the most pain. Its moist and stitches have been sewn. Mokoko brushes his hair back with his hands and stands up. The excruciating pain causes him to yelp and sit back down. A dizzy spell attacks Mokoko causing him to lay back down. He closes his eyes wrinkles his brow with anger. The last words that he heard along with the blurry figure dance around in his head now. He sits up again and slowly pulls himself to the end of the bed. He drops to his hands and knees and begins to crawl towards the chair and table. Mokoko reaches it and kneels up. He cups water into his hands and splashes it on his face. He then, very carefully, puts his mask back on. Mokoko picks up his coat and hat and sits on the chair, throwing his heavy head back. Mouth open to utters a prayer. A prayer that soon this hell would be over. He begins to stand again but the pain is to much. As he does this a man walks into the room.)

???????: Oh, Mr. Mokoko! I’m so glad to see that you are awake and moving around. You may have a lot of questions to ask me and I’d be glad to share the answers with you. Well first off, you may be wondering who I am. You actually may remember me. It has been a while though.

(Mokoko looks the man over. He is very tall, standing almost at 6’7” and very built for someone in his place. He has on a pair of beige pants and a white button up shirt that has the top few buttons unbuttoned. Mokoko cannot match his face with anyone he knew or knows. He just shrugs his shoulders.)

Mokoko: Mister I really have no idea who you are and to tell you the truth, I don’t care. All I want to know is what I’m doing here, why have I been sent out to the middle of nowhere to a maximum security orphanage? And also why and who knocked me out cold enough for my head to be throbbing?

???????: Joe you haven’t changed in the slightest and I am glad. Joe I do not know if you remember or not but you used to go to this orphanarium. You were an outcast because of your looks, your personality but most of all because of how you got here. I was your only friend and you were mine. My name is Jake Smith and I own this orphanarium…

((We are back in the mind Joe Mokoko. Memories are coming back to him, one by one, unraveling his past. This may be the biggest breakthrough of the quest for Mokoko. A man who wants him killed will be revealed and more of Joe Mokoko’s depressing past will be told. And we break to the past as we lay our scene.

We are in the same orphanarium as we were before. In a large room with many rows of long tables sits many kids. There is a lot of noise in this room with all the chatter of the little kids. Its seems like this place is a very friendly place, kids all sitting in groups having fun, trying to ignore the fact that they are in an orphanarium. Why they are here is real freaking sick for the most of them. Some had their only family die. They are the saddest cases but not the sick cases. The sick cases are the kids that are there from abandonment. From the parents who got sick of caring for them and ditched them. The world is a cruel place for some kids. For others it’s a great place. The kids that grow up with everything handed to them, the kids with the big names. It a name and possession world and its those people that get anything and everything. However its these kids that are the ones who really need it. Really need the attention and love that they just cant get in an orphanarium. Anyways all the kids are sitting and eating, having a good time. All but one. One kid is sitting at the far away table completely alone. Occasionally a couple kids will look back very nervously at him. The kid has the name of Joe. He sits alone because they say he is cursed. They say that if you come in contact with him, you will perish along with him one day. He is miserable here but something keeps him in. The security the establishment for one and also the fear of what’s out there. Joe knows why he is running. He hasn’t said a single word to any persons about it. Not even the one who saved his life. One kid gathers up the courage to walk up to Mokoko. The kid looks familiar and we instantly know who it is. Its Jake Smith.

“Hi my names Jake Smith, people call me Jubei though. I noticed you don’t have any friends…Mind if I be one?”

Jake smiles and holds out a warming hand waiting for Joe to shake it. Joe stares at it and then at his hand. With an emotionless face he shakes Jake’s hand. Jake smiles an ear to ear smile. Joe continues to eat his food, which consists of something that looks like spaghetti and another glob that I’m taking is jell-o. Jake sits down and they eat together. Jake blabs on and on about this and that, mostly about wanting to become a samurai, just like he used to see on T.V., hence the name Jubei. Joe continues to not speak. Jake begins to get bored of talking and asks Joe why he is here and why is he alone. For the first time Joe speaks.

“Everyone I have ever known, has been killed either physically and mentally, and all because they continue to miss me…They continue after a job long incomplete and soon they will come here. They will not rest until I am dead. Is that what you wanted to hear? Why talk when this voice will soon be fading to the heavens…”

Joe continues to eat. His eyes turn glossy and he stares at his plate. Jake is thrown back at this statement and at the same time very pissed at the attitude. The give up attitude and just let me die in peace statement has thrown him for a spin. Jake tries to comfort Joe but he is not listening. Joe is lost in his food. Food that can cause him no harm.

“You think bad of everything but I don’t see why, not everything turns out the way we think or want it to. Destiny is controlled by the people, we control our own destinies and I will be your friend still, and I’m here to the end.”

Joe looks up at the startling and very courageous words of this unknown kid. A kid even wiser than most philosophers at an early age. Joe nods and they eat their lunch. They each continue to talk and become close friends as time goes on in the orphanarium. Until the day Joe runs, runs away from his fight, leaving it to someone else.))

(Mokoko stares at Jake smith with more kind eyes. Jake realizes what has just happened. He realizes now that Mokoko truly did not know who he was anymore. Jake smiles and puts out a hand. Mokoko gives a smirk back and gives Jake his hand. Jake helps Mokoko to his feet and grabs his coat and his hat. They proceed to walk down the numerous hallways and talk on the way.)

Mokoko: Jake I am really appreciative of what you did for me back when in the orphanarium. You probably saved my life. I was ready to die and was ready to welcome death with open arms. But know, you showed me a kindness and a respect that no one has ever shown me before. I only wish that I could remember why I left the orphanarium in the first place. It seems like life was turning around for me. Like god was actually on my side for once. And its all because of you, thank you Jake.

(Jake smiles uneasily. He acts in a nervous manner and obviously something is on his mind. Mokoko sees this and instantly knows why. He still does not know what happened to his head. Why he now has stitches and who is after him.)

Jake Smith: Mokoko, I fear your life is in danger. The Borlang Cri’ Tie is still after you. You were attacked today as you just waited for someone to come answer the door. They failed last time you were here to end your life and they knew someday you would come back. Well they were right and now their best assassin is out there (points to nearby door). He knows you very well, everything you are capable of and he is out to kill you. He can and will do it at with no reprehension.

Mokoko: Why are they after me. Why me. These are no doubt the same people who killed my family and destroyed the only other father I had and I don’t know why. I will settle this here today. Once and for all.

Jake Smith: Very well and I will help, I wont do to much in this outfit so I need to get ready. Please Mokoko, if you want to repay me then you can wait for me and promise not to fight without me. Sit down, I will be right back.

(And with that Jake quickly walks off down a number of corridors. He walks to a closed room and presses a number pad. The door slowly opens and inside is a weapon of beauty. A weapon of might and honor. A weapon meant for a so called samurai.

Mokoko sits down in a nearby chair. Sprawled back staring at the doorway. A wind blows dust up but from here it is still clear.)

Mokoko: Well while I am waiting for a battle that desperately needs fighting, I will talk about my upcoming match with a man I know quite well. A man who calls himself Nirvana. Nirvana will not be an easy foe. Nirvana will take me to my limits. I knew him a little in my past run in the SFT. We were together in a stable. The Acts of God. Do you remember Nirvana. I bet you do. You had great respect for me then and I had the same for you. I still do. I figure once a great person, always a great person. However you seem to not be the same person. Like you have gone a little insane. I don’t care how real it was, angels simply do not exist in the common world. Miracles never happen, for it is not a miracle to have the given will to do anything inside of you at any given time. I have the will and determination to excel in this battle. We shall put on a hell-of-a match and it will not be a miracle if I win. For if win, I knew I could do it. If others would like to think of it as a miracle…let them. Its ignorance that causes people to believe in miracles. Miracles are not meant for the meek. Not intended for the common people.

Imagine being in your third straight match, coming off of two wins and then getting a contendership match. It does not happen to many people. I was meant for bigger and better things here in the SFT. I was meant to rule this federation and make it the great Dynasty it once was and now still is with me here. Very soon I will be the SFT U.S. Champion. I will conquer all odds and defeat Nirvana at Slaughter and then proceed to beat Kaeneis at the next coming event. That is truly when my legacy will unfold. I will soon be known by all and have a title with my name on it and everything. Fox should be getting worried right about now. He is in for a world of pain once I get my shot. And I will not blow that shot. I will win and become the greatest thing this federation has ever seen. I plan to take roots in this federation for quite a while. I will not allow for me to quit like last time. Right after wining the title I was defeated and then dropped off the face of the Earth. That will never happen again. The only way I am leaving is to be forced out. And I don’t plan to be forced out anytime soon.

Nirvana, don’t think this match is easily won because you have something to gain for winning from the Angel of Chaos. Oh no, I have everything to gain in this match. This match is a guaranteed stepping stone towards bigger and better things. The winner of this match will be treated with more respect than ever before. Nirvana you will feel the Dragon’s wrath. I will get into your head and make you not want to wrestle me any longer. You will never want to wrestle again. An early retirement for you makes me very happy. I will enjoy this match to the fullest. This match is my ultimate test for glory. To see if I have what it takes to hang with the big dogs. To see if I have what it takes to wrestle in the ranks of the extreme. Of course I think I do but winning this match will guarantee it. Really I cant wait. Nirvana I hop you’re ready because I sure as hell know I am.

(Jake Smith comes out from the back and nods to Mokoko. He tosses him a Desert Eagle handgun and warns to only use it if in extreme cases. Mokoko nods and slowly rises to his feet. They proceed to walk together out the glass doors and a black figure holding a samurai katana is soon on a hill. He holds his sword up to the sun and rays fall into the eyes of our heroes. Jake and Mokoko both squint from the glare and the assassin comes charging down the hill. Jake unwieldy a might claymore and charges at the assassin. Their swords clash and Jake drives him to the wall. The assassin throws out his hand sending a large burst of air into the chest of Jake pushing him back. The assassin whispers some words and slashes his sword which causes a air slice, knocking Jake to his knees and throwing his claymore into the dirt. Jake is badly injured and the assassin comes in for the kill. He lifts his sword high in the air and prepares to strike. Just then a blast is heard the assassin drops. Mokoko is seen holding the smoking gun. He blows the smoke and smirks.

Mokoko: Nirvana I solved your question, it was self defense, but your beating will be a murder.

(Mokoko laughs as he goes to check on his fallen comrade. In the air a familiar tune can be heard. The screen fades to black.)

Total Slaughter,
Total Slaughter.
I won't leave a single man alive.

La de da de dai,
La de da de duh,
An ocean of blood.

Let's begin the killing time.
--The Genocide Song