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Our Kootenay Domain

Oh My GOD! Tristan and I(Sarah) decided to create our own webpage. There isn't too much yet, but I hope to have a lot more coming.

Well a little about us. My name is Sarah, as you could have guesed, and my dearest friend is Tristan, as mentioned above. We are both from small communities in the West Kootenay's. We met in grade 6 and in grade 8 become friends, only to find out that we share the same birthday(I know, who would have guessed? I am 2 hours older than him. Poor guy). Anyways. We have graduated now an are attending UCC in Kamloops. It's not a bad community and school, but it is school the same.

There will be more coming shortly so please be patient. In the mean time check out some of the adjoining pages!

The Kootenay Koolz!!!!

Intrigued yet? I should think so...check out some of our HISTORY!

Can't Get Enough? Below Are Links Within The Site. Thank You For Visiting!