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Dedicated to the memory of my Parents Oscar Paul, and Lillian Marie Lorzing Becker 10/3/1920 - 9/24/1973 5/22/1923 - 5/17/2003, respectfully.
On March 24, 2003 I received a phone call at work from my brother-in-law, George, telling me my Mother had been found on the ground outside the front of her house by a neighbor walking their dog. Apparently she had fallen,and had been rushed to the emergency room at St. Claire's in Denville. I asked George how serious it was and he said not to drop and run yet but would keep me posted.
A few hours later he called me back and told me he thought it a good idea for me to get to the hosptial Mom was not doing well. I told my Sister-In-Law, Shawn, who works with me and is also my assistant what had happened and ran out of work. On the ride up I kept praying for Mom to be ok. When I arrived in the emergency room of St. Claire's hospital, Denville, NJ I found my mother was unconcious and my sister, Eileen, in tears.
They told me Mom had a CAT Scan and they were waiting for the test results. Shortly thereafter the Doctor approached us to sho us the xrays.
He told us it did not look good, that Mom had blod clot on the brain. When we looked at the xrays it covered the right side of her brain. The doctor explained that mom had a 15 % chance of surviving the surgery but if nothing was done she would die.
We, Eileen, George, and myself, agreed 15% was better than none. Eileen kept saying Mom is a fighter and she will get through this. Eileen helped prepare Mom for surgery by shaving the side of her head.
The Doctor took Mom up to surgery and we decided to go to the coffee shop for a break. Later we went upstairs were they would notify us of her condition after surgery.
A few hours later the Doctor came in to tell us she was fine, Thank God, she had come through the surgery like a trouper. Little did we know what was ahead, I thought after the surgery Mom would be just fine and ready to go home in a week or two. Not the case.
When they brought Mom down to the Critical Care Unit, we were told she was in a coma. The nurses and doctors assured us this was normal after brain surgery. They had to put a tube down her throat for the surgery in case she had any breathing problems. Again I was nieve and thought it woud be removed right after the surgery. Once again, not the case, from the ventilator we had to go to a Trach, but that was as far as we were going, nothing else would be used to keep her alive, no paddles, no respirator.
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