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Who!? What!? When!?!?!

Well now. Seems like if you've stumbled in here, you've got an itching question in the back of your mind. You know the question, and you know the answer. What the living hell is Midnight at Junglecats? To be fair, I can only really answer you vaguely. I'm not sure we're actually sensible enough to be classed as a blog, nor silly enough to be a silly website.

Basically, it's just a couple of guys playing all sorts of crazy retro games on consoles of yesteryear. If you've read half of the blog, or you're my evil nemesis Yogi Bear, you'll know some of this already.

Yogi, whilst evil, is a bit of a rascal.

Run by the increasingly unstable Jonno and Poison Jam Man, much of what they write is indeed jibberish. Much of it is simply the random musings of boys with too much spare time on their hands. Fifty percent of it comes from the voice in the dangerous sewer, that tells Jonno to burn things. But that's what I call Real Ultimate Power and it's totally irrelevent to the blog at hand.

You will have got nothing out of this. And, you'll probably get nothing out of reading the site. If it offends you deeply, maybe you're a little too serious. Either way, don't take it seriously, please! If you do, however, you can quite easily send me some hatemail but I do warn you. I will post it on the site for everyone to ridicule in the best possible way.

- Jonno

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