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Friday, 13 February 2004

so, ive gotten somewhat lazy with this thing. yaaaaaa. no one has really missed much on the oh so exciting voyage into my life, its rather plain i guess, chel likes to kinda spice things up a little, the band is ALMOST done recording, but not yet...cause that would be too easy. school, haha, i dont do anything there, its like getting another 5 hours of sleep, just rotating where i sleep every 55 minutes with a stretch/scratch/eat session for 15 minutes to seperate some of it. thats pretty close to everything. there is valentines day tomorrow, and im sure everyone is just dying to find out what im going to do. but unfortunately you will have to wait for the pictures from the paperazi to hit the news stands before youll find out. muhaha.well im gunna jet, peace.


Posted by hero/johnboy at 11:28 PM PST
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Monday, 2 February 2004

ok, so i said i would update this thing... so i am. today i went to school, didnt really do anything there as always, but then brendan, joe, chel, and megan came over for lunch. after that i went to the dreaded dentist to get cavities filled, but now its all over. i fell asleep there, kind of an odd place to fall asleep, considering it might as well be some kind of tibeten torture chamber with all those tools they use. but there is one thing that has really bothered me while i was there, they have a tv in the room, infact, im stuck looking at it cause of where i am. but it is never on, why did they put it there if they werent gunna use it. its like buying a gun without just doesnt make sense. oh, yeah a little life recap...

i cut my hair, went to formal, started recording with my band, and applied to college

the mustang is getting closer and closer as well

well i guess that is it for now, i think i will try and take a nap or something


Posted by hero/johnboy at 4:47 PM PST
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Sunday, 25 January 2004

i figure it is time to update, so i will... tomorrow i will, but this will do for now


Posted by hero/johnboy at 9:16 PM PST
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Sunday, 11 January 2004

well, i figure ill through in a life update....vacation=good

unfortunatey it must end soon, but in the past three weeks good things have happened..#1 im going out with chelsea, #2 i got presents #3 didnt have school

well im kinda bored with this right now, so im gunna go do other stuff

Posted by hero/johnboy at 12:32 AM PST
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Thursday, 8 January 2004

wow, my new favorite song..... "swing life away" by rise against

past few days have been very nice, checking out homes and stuff.


Posted by hero/johnboy at 12:20 AM PST
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Friday, 2 January 2004

well, i just got home from the dentist, my face is numb, my teeth hurt, and im cranky. i would like to say that the dentists office is the most boring and lonley place on earth. After the dentist drugged me, she just walked away and came back a half hour later. WTF!! you just poked me with a monster needle which i dont think has to be that big then you leave me to die. The only thing to occupy your time is poking around your mouth with your somewhat numb tungue. BUT FOR A HALF HOUR, come on, its exciting for like 2 minutes. and i think i went cross eyed from staring at things directly above me. i mean, put a tv up on the ceiling or something. the only thing that kept me sane was that i brought my mp3 player. well anywho, i gotta jet.


Posted by hero/johnboy at 1:03 PM PST
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Tuesday, 30 December 2003

well here this the breakdown. The day after christmas i spent all my cash on a guitar pedal, since then i have barracaded myself in my room and office and been playing since that day. When i have escaped i hung out with chel and meg. I have set a new record for myself with beating mario 3 2 times in one was quite glorious. That pretty much brings me up to today. after beating mario the previous night i went to bed around 5:30 am woke up around 3 watched some family guy at dean's, then dinner, goodwill, and the mall with chel. (i got a bitchin ski jacket from the 70s at the goodwill). megan met up with us at the mall ahh, andthe date has now changed to the 30th... anywho after the mall we screwed around for a while then i came home. this was interesting though cause this was the first time i have hung out with megan and someone has not tried asking us if we had drugs. now today the 30th is when we get our new tv shipped to our house between 1-3 pm...its a monstrocity, im excited. but unfortunately after that beautiful hdtv widescreen arrives i have to go to the dentist. im quite scared.
well it appears i got distracted for a while, but im gunna take off, if i live past the dentist i will post again, hopefully


Posted by hero/johnboy at 12:28 AM PST
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Thursday, 25 December 2003

it is christmas none the less, i got some pretty cool toys like an mp3 player, a cool air cleaner for my car(which completes the engine), 250 bucks in cash, and some clothes and stuff. quite good i must say. so umm, i wanna post this thing...i might add to it later tonight.


Posted by hero/johnboy at 11:47 PM PST
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Tuesday, 23 December 2003

and thus it is tuesday. There have been two long days since i last entered. On monday had band practice over at prestons, then afterwards went "caroling" with some church folk. The reason for quotes is because we were horrible, horrible carolers, no one even wanted to listen, people just hid and ran inside if they saw us comming. After that jeff, scott (steve as we call him), brad, mark, cory, and dana came over...thats where it gets interesting. In the spirit that not everyone could stay to start/finish super mario 3 we decided to play turtles in time and try to beat super shredder, unfortunately we only got to slash and kept dying. we probably could have gotten further if donatello didnt suck it up (mark). Then we decided to play super mario 1....we got stuck on world five, which was coincidental because we couldnt get past level 5 on turtles in time...kinda creepy now that i think about it. after our failed attemps at mario we continued to super mario 2. Play the two....mario 1 is normal mario...mario 2 is messed up. Like in mario one you jump on koopa, turtles, and lakito to kill mario 2 you throw turnips that you pull out of the ground at them. On another note the graphics are quite superb on mario 1, yet suck on mario 2...even better than mario 3. There is something seriously wrong with that. well now i will talk about what i did today....woke up, went to band practice, came home...her i am. There is another party tonight at my place from 8:30-tomorrow so if you wanna stop by in that time period you should. Now i got to grab some grub cause im starving.


Posted by hero/johnboy at 6:30 PM PST
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Sunday, 21 December 2003

sup. well many things have happened since i last entered in this contraption. to start, i went to my church for this lock-in thing that was pretty fun...we played broom hockey and i layed some kids out and showed them what was up. Then after pulling an all nighter i conked out at like 7 am and slept till about 4 pm where i then went over to joes and we soon left and went to band practice where we completed our newest song...we believe that it will be one of our best hits, after practice we hit up my house and just played some super mario bros 3 and took it easy. so my past few days have been quite interesting...lets see what the rest of break has in store for me


Posted by hero/johnboy at 12:51 AM PST
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