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Beefy's Test Page
Monday, 22 March 2004

JavaScript is a scripting language originally developed by Netscape to add interactivity and power to web documents. It is purely client side, and runs completely on the client's browser and computer.
Java is completely different from JavaScript- it's more powerful, more complex, and unfortunately, a lot harder to master. It belongs in the same league as C, C++, and other more complex languages.
DHTML is the embodiment of a combination of technologies- JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Through them a new level of interactivity is possible for the end user experience.

Posted by hero/james_1 at 7:26 AM EST
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Posted by hero/james_1 at 7:25 AM EST
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$Gal = "misc"; //title $thumb = "//tmp//thumb"; //thumbs directory name $thumbwidth = 200; $imagequality = 200; $cols = 6; //number of columns $vi = "Click me!"; //text for "See image" $sname = "lah.php"; //name of this file $isz = ""; //text for "Size" $msgnav = ""; //text for "Showing Gallery" $msgcp = ""; //text for "Image" $msgof = "of "; //text for "of" $msgback = "Back to gallery listing"; //text for "Return to Gallery" if (isset($_GET['iid'])) { $_GET['iid']; } elseif (isset($_POST['iid'])) { $_POST['iid']; } $files = array(); if ($handle = opendir('.')) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if ($file != "." && $file != "..") { if (eregi("\.jpe?g$", $file) || eregi("\.gif$", $file) || eregi("\.png$", $file)) { $files[] = $file; } } } closedir($handle); } sort($files); if (!is_dir($thumb)) { mkdir($thumb, 0755); } $i = 0; $th = array(); $iw = array(); $ih = array(); $ifs = array(); foreach ($files as $image) { $thumbimage = $thumb."/".$image; $thumb_exists = file_exists($thumbimage); $size = GetImageSize($image); $width = $size[0]; $height = $size[1]; $type = $size[2]; if (!$thumb_exists) { set_time_limit(30); switch ($type) { case 1 : $im = ImageCreateFromGIF($image); break; case 2 : $im = ImageCreateFromJPEG($image); break; case 3 : $im = ImageCreateFromPNG($image); break; } $newwidth = $thumbwidth; $newheight = ($newwidth / $width) * $height; $im2 = ImageCreateTrueColor($newwidth,$newheight); ImageCopyResampled($im2,$im,0,0,0,0,$newwidth,$new height,$width,$height); switch ($type) { case 1: ImageGIF($im2, $thumbimage); break; case 2: ImageJpeg($im2, $thumbimage, $imagequality); break; case 3: ImagePNG($im2, $thumbimage); break; imagedestroy($im); imagedestroy($im2); } } $th[$i] = $thumbimage; $iw[$i] = $width; $ih[$i] = $height; $ifs[$i] = round((@filesize($image)/1024), 1); $i++; } echo "

Gallery of \"$Gal\"

"; echo ""; if (!isset($iid)) { $rows = round(count($th)/$cols); if (($rows * $cols) < (count($th))) { $rows++; } for ($i = 1; $i <= $rows; $i++) { echo ""; for ($j = 1; $j <= $cols; $j++) { $td = (($i - 1) * $cols) + $j; $iu = ($td - 1); if (isset($th[$iu])) { $op = ""; $op .= "\n"; echo $op; } else { echo "\n"; } } echo "\n"; } } else { $iid2 = $iid+1; $tot = count($th); $op = ""; $op .= "\n\n\n\n"; $op .= "\n\n"; $op .= "\n"; echo $op; } echo "
$msgnav $Gal :: $msgcp $iid2 $msgof $tot
\n"; $op .= "\n"; //$op .= "
$isz: $iw[$iid] x $ih[$iid]\n"; $op .= "
$ifs[$iid] Kb.\n"; $op .= "
"; ?>

Posted by hero/james_1 at 7:20 AM EST
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Posted 22/3/04
This is a test

Posted by hero/james_1 at 6:48 AM EST
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