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The idea of this page is to discribe the character of Jack Sparrow as created by Johnny Depp. Our aim to is to stay true to Johnny Depp and Bruckheimer vision without altering 'their' vision of the character in any way.

Pirates 3 will come out on May 7th of 2007. Leading up to this date..there will be many events in theme with Pirates, including many Tall Ships festivals touring different ports and harbors. The famous Chieften and Lady Washinton will be on display at the Ventura Harbor from February 14 to the 19th.

In 2004 Tv Guilde writter Johanna Schneller explains how it must have flipped these cautious executive's minds when movie goers not only got what Depp was trying to do with his Jack Sparrow take, but ADORED it! The success of Pirates, and in particular, Depp's acting as Jack Sparrow, has gotten Depp, finally, the nod of approval, he has earned from his follow actors, critics assocations, and won him Best Actor by the SAG Awards, as well as Best Actor nomination from the Oscars, the first in his career.

In 2004 Johnny Depp WON Best Actor at SAG Awards


Associated Press

"After being around for so long -- it's coming up on 20 years for me -- all these kids were going to see the movie and I was just really touched, you know. Really, really moved," the reclusive Sexiest Man Alive tells Australia's Sydney Morning Herald. "Like, when you come out on the street and meet little kids and they go, 'Oh man, you're Captain Jack Sparrow!' You know, it just doesn't get any better than that."

In the August 2003 Issue of GQ Magazine pages# 157 - 158 Johnny Depp explains his character Jack Sparrow and why he made him so offbeat, saying, "I thought, How can I find a pirate that hasn't been done or seen before? reading alot of pirate books at the time and these guys were absolutely without question the rock stars of that era. So I thought, Who's the greatest rock'n' roll star? Keith Richards.

From The Blunt Review:

Johnny Depp sets The Record Straight On His Friend Keith Richards

Johnny: I thought of Keith because I was trying to figure out what pirates might have been like, their lifestyle back in the 18th century, and I thought, oh man, they were the rock and roll stars of the era. On the road to some degree, freedom, adventure, women, outlaw behavior, all of that stuff. And you see the greatest rock and roll star of all time, there are so many options, but to me it's Keith Richards hands down.

Yeah, people just assume Keith Richards - oh yeah, the junkie years in the '70s, and he's out of it and all the stuff, but no, no, no, he's one of the most well read, brilliant people I've ever come into contact with. He knows everything about everything - a history buff, history to the letter. It wasn't an imitation of Keith or anything like that. It was just like a salute to him, and beyond the fact that I think that he's the greatest rock and roll star of all times, I also think that he's an incredibly interesting man beyond the rock and roll, beyond The Stones. He's unbelievably wise. He's really a wise man, a sage, a Buddha or something.

Johnny Depp & Jack Sparrow - Both Outsiders

Jack Sparrow As A Kid

Johnny: Growing up I definitely never felt like an insider - ever. The way I live my life today is pretty consistent of the way I lived it back then,when I was 13, 14 years old, and just skipping certain classes and sneaking into the guitar room, and hiding out and playing in the music room.

It was 1974 or 1975, something like that, long hair, certainly not one of the jock kids or anything like that, and I fell madly in love with the most popular cheerleader in the school.

Emily: What was your input on the Jack Sparrow look? On the hair, on the braided beard etc.?

Johnny: That all happened in one day. We were sitting around the make-up trailer, and I knew that I wanted to have the dreds, and I wanted a lot of things tied into my hair, like stuff that I'd picked up on voyages and what not, just tie it into my hair, kind of like Keith, because Keith has little coins and beads - I wanted all that stuff tied into my hair, and then the little braids and the little dingles. I wanted that."

Emily: The gold teeth. I heard when you showed up the 1st day they were ALL gold? True?

Johnny: [laughter] No, not all of them, but quite a few. I sat down with Jerry [Bruckheimer] and a couple of other people, and I had two more gold teeth. One on the front there, and one I think over here, and they felt that the way it looked on film was a little too much, but there were other things. They wanted me to take off the dingles and they wanted me to calm things down and everything. So, I figured if that was my only compromise, taking out two gold teeth? After I took those two off, I added on over here. I never told them that.

Johnny Depp Likes Looking Like Jack Sparrow

Emily: So I'm sensing you kind of like the look.

Johnny: It's funny, because most of the time I do! I can remember going to Disneyland with my kids, with my daughter and we went into the princess store and I bought her a little princess dress kind of thing and the lady behind the counter, I smiled and said thank you or something, and she looked at me as if to say, 'I have a really good dentist.' She seemed so upset about my dental dilemma.

Johnny Depp On Capt.Barbossa's Deep Secret

Emily: You and Geoffrey Rush seemed to have a strong relationship that transcended the film. Did you talk about a "back story" for the characters?

Johnny: We did. We joked around about our back-story. Here he is, this fierce pirate, Barbossa, who at one time had been my first mate, and all of a sudden he's taken over my ship, and I thought the greatest secret that Barbossa would want hidden, I knew it. And I was going to actually add it into the film, but once you start getting into sword fights and things like that, you run out of time. I thought his greatest secret was that his first name was Hector.

Emily: How did he react when you told him?

Johnny: He laughed. I'd come up to set and he'd be standing there, and I'd say, 'Good morning, Hector.' [He laughs] It was really good.

"The kohl came from, you know how athletes where black here for reflection, I started thinking about the tribes of northern Africa, and the Berbers which they have been doing for thousands of years, using kohl under the eyes, which is medicinal in a way, and protects the eyes from sand and sun."

It was both Jerry Bruckheimer's, the producer of "pirates, as well as Johnny Depp's desire to make a different type of Disney film. By this, meaning to make an adventure show more on the level with Raiders and Star Wars instead of Marry Poppins. In much the same way with the Star Wars films, Jack character gives 'Pirates' a smart witty humor that adults as well as smart kids can appreciate.

Not that Disney movies have not always been 'fun' and 'wholesome'..They HAVE..but their live action films have NOT always been 'good', as the etertainment reporters have clearly pointed out with last year's terrible "Country Bears."

With Dreamworks cartoons such as 'Shrek' , which by the way, Depp LOVES, and Monsters Inc, and even Disney's Lilo & Stitch, Disney has been slowly steering more towards young hearted fims that even adults can love with smart and witty dialog instead of the old campy "Herbey The Love Bug" type stuff.

Of course they are still making these too, I mean just check out the clips for this new version of Freaky Friday. But one will note that unlike the new Freaky Friday, the big Walt Disney logo is not spashed across the screen on 'Pirates', and maybe this is why?

And Emily from The Blunt Review wrote:

"Depp decided he'd tap into the ultimate in bad boy rock and roll legends for his latest character, pirate Capt. Jack Sparrow. Wildly inappropriate really considering it was for Disney Studios! Their first PG 13 film for families actually. But, Depp doesn't give a damn about Disney's glimmering and prudent history - he was hired to deliver, and deliver he does. Depp style. Dipping into the depths of his exquisite mind to discover his version of a pirate, buried beneath Hunter S. Thompson and several Edwards he found, Keith Richards as his inspiration."

Owner of this web page:

Oh.. I almost forgot, I never answered the question those why those 3 pirates girls slapped Jack Sparrow's face....Please! This is a rated PG-13 movie! I won't tell!

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