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An Interview With Brent Nathaniel

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Well People Want To Know More About Me And The Wild Side Of Me On The Radio So I Decided To Conduct An Interview With Myself. So I Sat Down And Talked To Myself About Things That I Liked. This Is What I Had To Say To Myself.

Whats Your Hometown? Mellette, South Dakota. Population 150 people on a good night others its about 1 or 2 people

What Is Your Middle Name? Nathaniel. guess my last name.

What Is Your Shoe Size: 13..aka ski's


What is your height? 5'10"

What is your weight? Dont go there......

When is your birthday? June 15th 1983

How old will you be on your next birthday? 20 now comes the count down to the 21st

Do you have any tattoos or piercing? Nope I am such a good little boy

What is the worst feeling in the world? Rejection

What Are Your living arrangements? Dorm room and coming soon an apartment all to myself *evil laugh*

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?

Do you have girlfriend? yup Talese aka turbo (shes gonna kill me now)

Radio Background: 1 Year 8 Months at Clear Channel Radio in Aberdeen, 3 months at KBHU in Spearfish, 1 month again at Clear Channel in Aberdeen, 4 months at Clear Channel in Sioux City, 1 month at KLIF in Sioux City

ARE YOU A LEFTY OR A RIGHTY? righty but sometimes it hangs to the left..oh what are we talking about again??? oh my hand what else?? what were you thinking??

What is the thing that makes you laugh the most? "The Face"

What was your favorite class in High School? Why? Senior History. Mr. Boone kicked ass. What Other Class Could You Sleep And Get An A In??? Oh, wait I got a B in his class. oops :P

What was you first job ever? Head waiter at pizza hut in Aberdeen. Not just the waiter the head waiter!!!!!

What time do you go to bed at night? When ever my roommate Jordan gets quiet or I get to tired to stay awake anymore

Do you have any hobbies? Yeah, I play Nintendo and play football read, umm what else and sleep. Hey sleeping is a full time job.

What did you want to be when you grew up? A that accualy knows the weather

if your life was a movie what movie would it be? “Dazed and Confused” or "American Pie 2"

If you had to eat one food only for the rest of your life, what would it be? Fruity Pebbles!!! Those Are natures wonder fruit.

If you weren't in radio, what would you do for a living? stalking jennifer garner *drools*

What is your favorite big word? Pianist it just sounds dirty but you know its not.

If you were a superhero, what would you be? Spiderman..hes just cool. I mean who wouldnt wanna cling to walls and kick peoples asses.

If you had a million dollars to spend, what would you buy? I would buy a radio station in Aberdeen and kick every other stations butt outta the water!!!!

What is the best part of radio? Well its not the free stuff or the music or the consert tickets or your name being recognised by people oh being on air or meeting new people..oh who am I kidding its all of the above.

What is the worst part of radio? trying to fit it inside of a little speaker.

What would be your fantisy vacation? To spend a week with my friends at my grandparents lake cabin


Food: Pizza or tacos!!

Sports Team(s): San Fransico 49ers

Movie: American Pie 2, Road Trip, or any of the Lethal Weapons

Restaurant: Taco Bell or Perkins

TV Show(s): Drew Carey or Who’s Line Is It Anyway

Favorite quote: “Its not considered premarital sex unless your planning on getting married”

Song: Goo Goo Dolls-Black Balloon, Chad Kroager-Hero

Movie Star: Jennifer Garner *drools*

Favorite Holiday: Christmas

Favorite Day of the Week: one where i dont work

Favorite Smells? A Girls hair..preferably Jennifer Garner's

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up? Another day another dollar..oh wait I don’t make money I spend it

What was your first car? 1980 Chevy s10 pickup..ahh the memories

Memory of past radio jobs? The Brent and Kyle show..pushing limits no one dares to do..only on 930 KSDN!!!!

If you could have any job in the world what would it be? A program director of a radio station

What's under your bed? my computer and my clothes basket (I have a loft)

How many rings before you answer phone? Let the caller ID see who it is then i answer so hmm bout 3

Last book read? Spiderman Revenge of the sinister six

Favorite current TV shows? South Park, Crank Yankers, George Lopez

Favorite month? June dua its my birthday month

What's the next CD you're going to get? umm i dont know really i just kinda buy em as they come out

Thanks Brent for taking the time out of your busy day to answer some questions about yourself.