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Rizal and the Emergence of the Philippine Nation
by Jose S. Arcilla, S.J.

CHAPTER 1: THE SEARCH FOR SPICES (The Coming of the Europeans)

Section 1: All for Pepper
I. The Lure of the East to the West
A. Mystery and Fabulous Wealth in the East
1. Goods which the West did not have: spices, gems and adornments, strange animals, interesting plants, cults and religions
2. Challenge of the Unknown
B. Problem of Communication: West not Knowledgeable about the East
1. Islam as a contributory factor
2. Crisis in Western Europe
a. The Black Death or Bubonic Plague
b. The Hundred Year’s War (1357 - 1453)
c. The Fall of Constantinople
II. The Transformation in Europe
A. Europe as one of the centers of civilization (1500)
B. Beginnings of the historical process for Europe (1800)
1. Europe controls world trade, ocean lanes and organization
C. Portugal: Prince Henry the Navigator (1394-1460) and Christopher Columbus (1451-1500)
1. Led the race for spices
2. No real initial concern for Christianity
Section 2: Prince Henry and Columbus
I. The Rise of Portugal: Fiefdom of Castille
A. Role of Prince Henry (son of King John)
B. Portugal as world leader
1. Prince Henry
2. Result of his undertaking
II. Christopher Columbus and the Unknown Route
A. Columbus and the Empresa de Indias
a. Rejection of Columbus’ plans
b. Queen Isabela approves the “Impressa de India”
    discover new routes, lands and trades
c. The Capitulaciones the Santa Fe
d. The Benefits of Columbus; 10% of trade
    and 1/8 of profit
B. Columbus’ Voyages to the new World
a. Aug 3 1492—Early 1493
b. Sep 1493—1495
c. May 1498—May 1500
d. May 1502—1504
C. Pope Alexander VI (1492-1503): Objective
III. Basco Nunez de Balboa and the Southern Sea (1475 — 1517)
IV. Amerigo Vespucci
Section 3: Ferdinand Magellan (1480-1521)
I. Ferdinand Magellan in Portugal
A. Training in the Queen’s court
B. Experiences in navigation
1. Magellan joined Fernando d’ Almeida
2. He became friends with Duane Barbosa
3. Magellan as a member of the troops sent by Affonso d’ Albuquerque
II. Ferdinand Magellan in Spain
A. Influential acquaintances - Barbosa brothers, Juan de Aranda’s and Bishop Juan de Fonseca’s support
B. Capitulaciones — 1/5 of the profit, 2 of 6 islands
III. The first phase of the expedition
A. Preparation
1. Attempts to abort the expedition
2. The 5 ships of the fleet: San Antonio, Victoria, Santiago, Trinidad and Concepcion
3. Antonio Pigafetta’s detailed chronicle of the expedition
B. Problems and Difficulties: natural, food, health, mutiny
Section 4: Off to the Philippines
I. Antonio Pigafetta’s chronicles
A. Strait of Magellan (door to the Pacific - 20 Nov 1520)
B. Pacific sea (16 March 1521)
II. Magellan at San Lazaro
A. The first encounter with the Indigenous Leytenos
B. Cebu and Chief Humabon
1. The first Christian baptism in Cebu
C. Mactan
D. Juan Elcano and the Victoria
1. September22, 1522
2. Loads of Spices ($24,500— 1934)


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