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Happy Fathers Day Daddy!

Daddy and Me

Dear Daddy,

Thank you for all the days you spend with me. I like to see you first thing when I wake up from the long nap you and Mommy call "bedtime". The other thing I really like is when you make me feel all fresh and clean. I know sometimes I get stinky but you do a good job getting rid of the smellies. I am glad you know when I need changed.

Thank you for all the hugs you give me and all the kisses. They feel nice and they make me feel so loved by you. I always feel safe with you Daddy.

Thank you for kissing my boo boos when I fall over too. I am trying really hard to sit up and be big like you and Mommy but I think I may need a kickstand.

Thank you for feeding me yummy food and letting me make a mess (don't tell Mommy but I like your way better - shhhhhh!) I have so much fun playing with my food and with you.

Thank you for helping me relax before bedtime. I like especially bath time. You always make playing with duckie lots of fun and I'm not scared of the water because I know you will always be there to catch me.

Thank you for my extra yummy bottle right before bed. I like to go to bed on a full stomach and your arm is a great cuddling spot when I'm trying to fall asleep.

I hope you know how much I love you Daddy. You are the bestest Daddy ever!


P.S. My next word will be Da Da, I hope - Mommy is teaching it to me everyday!

Teddy bear Daddy being silly Teddy bear Staring at my Daddy Teddy bear

Mommy helped make this online page for me so I could keep all of our pictures in one place for safe keeping. I hope you like it. I even hugged the screen so in case you're at work, you can just hug your computer.

First day home Staring at Daddy Sitting in Daddy's chair

Daddy and I at ChristmasI'm in my Santa suitOn the couch with Daddy

Playing with my froggies Couch with Daddy Daddy's arms (my fav spot)

My first Valentine's Day

Taking a walk Bedtime On vacation

Sleeping on my Daddy

Page made by Lisa G. 2004