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-=Grifter the Gunslinger=-
Thursday, 30 October 2003
What's going on?
Hmm... lots of things going on lately in my cell group n also in my personal life...

Dunno for the good or bad. Seems bad at the moment. Hope that all turns out well in the end.

really busy with school projects n stuff, exams in less than 3 weeks!! Argh.. panic...

Posted by hero/grifter at 12:12 AM WST
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Tuesday, 28 October 2003
Starrry starry night...
It was close to 10 pm when W reached the bus interchange. He had just finished his meeting in church, and was rather disappointed cos J had rejected his offer to go for a drink at coffee bean at jurong point. Oh, well, there'll be other chances, W thought. Anyway I'm on vow on, he tried to reason with himself. I shouldn't be asking pple out on dates!

That was when his hp rang.


"Hey, are you finished with your church meeting yet?"

"Erm, yeah... Why? Changed your mind about coffee ah? Its already so late, sunday leh, i think coffee bean gonna close liao..."

"No lah, not going there... Where are you now?"

"Huh.. then what u intend to do, sunday leh, tml gotta go back to camp..."

"Hurry, i no time liao! Where are u?"

"Ok, i'm at the interchange lor."

"Ok, wait there for me, i'll be over in 15 minutes, bye!"

"huh? but... but... ..." She hung up.

W paced around the interchange, heart thumping. What's with her? Already 10.30 in the night, and he had to go home soon, he didn't wanna stay up too late. Then again, maybe for her, he wouldn't mind sacrificing a few extra dollars to take cab home. He might even have a chance to send her home! He smiled when he thought of how they actually met and how they revealed their feelings to each other barely a few months after knowing each other. The long phone calls, the cheeky jokes, the times they went out together getting everyone's suspicion n yet denying anything...

"Hi!" J suddenly popped out of nowhere, in an elegant purple dress.

W was clearly stunned. he still wasn't used to her unique n outlandish fashion sense.

"Come on, let's go!" J took his hand and walked quickly to the bus 198.

"Where r we going?" W asked, although he was clearly brimming with excitement at his hand being held.

"Shh! Its a surprise!" J mischievieously grinned.

W wasn't too familiar with the west area of singapore, but one thing he knew, he really liked J, n he couldn't ever say no to her.

They alighted somewhere where W couldn't really remember, but it was really puzzling him. It was just a normal neighbourhood, nothing different. But he was wrong.

They chatted and joked around like old friends who knew each other for years, desipte havig only kown each other for elss than 3 months. He thought she was really cute n cool in her rebellious attitude n funky dressing. She thought he was a geeky guy who was nonetheless one of the nicest guys she had ever met. Ah, those days would always remain in their memories forever, two young persons, a little unsure of their direction in life, suddenly mutually developing feelings for each other, n yet both of them denying it.

She brought him to a park alongside a very long river. Wow, i didn't know there's housing estates with a river running thru them! W thought. It was a really romantic night, the full moon shone brightly on them as the couple walked at the edge of the river, sharing their dreams n thoughts with each other. Who cares that it was already close to midnight, they were too energetic n happy to care about the time. Hmm, perhaps a better way to describe them was, they were both feeling that weird feeling in their stomach, as if butterflies were fluttering in it, big smiles on their faces which they were trying to hide, in this game of love.

They walked past other couples along the river, looking for a bench to settle down, but it seemed that every bench was occupied by another couple on that Sunday night. W sighed, wondering where they could find a seat. J giggled n told him she knew of a place to rest where noone else would be there. W swallowed the lump in his throat.

Of cos it was nothing kinky! Stop thinking dirty! hehz...

They had gotten to the end of the park near the river, and J suddenly moved towards the river bank and walked towards the river. "huh?" W was dumbfounded, but he followed anyway. "Oh! cool! hehz!" he realised there was a small hidden flight of steps leading downwards toward the river, n J had settled down on a step. He got down n sat next to her, wondering what could possibly happen this night? The time was right, close to 12, the place was right, it couldn't have been any better, the moon was in its place, the surroundings were quiet saved for the crickets n the running water of the river. What would W do? What would J do? Neither of them really knew what to do in such an awkward situation, they were so shy they couldn't even look into each other's eyes!

So J decided to do what she liked to do most - sing.

"hey tell me what u think of this song i'll be singing for my KTV competition ok? its Wo Bu Nan Guo, by Sun Yanzi."

"erm, oh ok..." W didn't really listen to chinese songs, being brought up in an english speaking environment. but wow, did he change himself just for her. he tried hard to learn chinese songs, he struggled to speak in his mother tongue though the effort was futile.

They listened to her MD player with one earphone each, n W listened to J sing to the song. He looked at her hands n realised her fingers were long n slender, n that his fingers really fitted so well to hers. her angelic voice soothed his mind n plucked at his heart strings, he was just captivated by her. he wondered if she really felt the same way about him too. in his eyes, he was really just a failure in relationships, n probably would remain single for the rest of his life. little did he know, in her eyes, he was the perfect gentleman who came n swept her off her feet when she needed someone. she felt something for him in a way which she did not feel for anyone before. yeah sure, she had a few boyfriends before, she was attached when she met him. but she just didn't feel the chemistry with them. but with W, it was different. it was as if his mere presence seemed to light up her life! his gentleness n charming smile melted her heart many a time, unknown to him.

but alas, it was an uneventful night. both of them knew that they couldn't be together, as least not now. W was on vow, and J had just broken up with her ex bf. they both had chosen to concentrate on God n His will first, n leave relationships for the future. but it was enough for W, to know that there was still someone in this world who liked him in the way that he liked her. it was simply the happiest, most wonderful feeling in the world, knowing that you are loved by the one whom you love. it seemed a miracle that out of 3.5 million people in singapore, these 2 pple somehow managed to meet up, n fall for each other. at least to W, it would always be counted as one of his greatest blessings from God, to meet J.

7 months have passed since that romantic night, n yet, their feelings for each other, though hidden, remain unwaivering. in fact, they have only been fired up more. but of cos, noone can know what the future may bring, n it would be another 9 months before W's vow to the Lord would be complete, n things can happen. but nonetheless, they had had their moments together, at KTVs, at the movies, studying together at her house, having expensive dinners together, and many other moments, frozen in time, n captured in their hearts.

Posted by hero/grifter at 10:42 AM WST
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Tuesday, 14 October 2003
The Biz Plan?
Wow, again such a long time since i last touched my blog! But what a lot of exciting things happened! God has really been speaking to me, just on Sunday before service as i was walking past the POSB, God asked me to take $80 from my bank. I was like, huh? for what? but i obeyed God anyway. Guess what, the service that weekend was by Rev Rob Thomson, n near the end of the svc, he asked everyone to ask God to bless some of the 80 cities with $1 per city! Then it struck me, God asked me to prepare His missions fund even way before Rev Thomson was anything!! I was utterly amazed and moved to tears! Thank God and praise Him! We do not serve a lifeless idol or carved images, but a living, and Holy Lord! Amen! Really pray for more revelations to come...
Now about the biz plan.. really very jiatlat, a bit discouraged cos it really turned out to be an amatuerish piece of scrap. this week going to ask biz partners if they still wanna continue, their committment and willingness to see it thru, and the effort n times they can put in! Really gotta pray to God for direction and wisdom on this issue...

Posted by hero/grifter at 12:59 AM JST
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Saturday, 11 October 2003
Only the second entry and so much has happened..
Well praise God! i've given yongji the full amt for his mission trip, with some left over given to yujie as well! tml i intend to bless eunice and joanne with $100 each for their mission trip too! hope that God really sees the precious i've given my members to help them go into the harvest fields...

Posted by hero/grifter at 1:59 AM JST
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Friday, 3 October 2003
Birthday wish came true!! Woo hoo!
Wow, God is so good! He really knows the desires of my heart! Though I'm still on vow, there's this wish I've always had since the beginning of the year - and it has been finally fulfiled! Well at least partly lah, hahaha! Have been grinning and floating around in ecstasy the past 24 hours! Woo hoo! Praise God!

Posted by hero/grifter at 12:08 AM JST
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Wednesday, 1 October 2003
The awakening
Grifter stirs from his sleep as he opens his eyes slowly and lazily. 12.33 pm, it says on his alram clock. "Darn, I missed school again!" he sighed. He moved sluggishly to the bathroom and washed up. As he looked into the mirror, he barely recognised the face he saw. Clean shaven, short hair, a nice pair of glasses. How studious looking! Grifter grinned as he remembered his not-so-distant past of the [MDF] and his days of galavanting and adventuring, the destroyed headquarters of the secret Counter-terrorist Organization and most of all, his old pals. Xiaohao, Kurai, 6ix, -=K=- and all the rest. He had lost contact with all of his counterstrike buddies save for Xiaohao, Costin and Kiat. Even so, the memories always came back to haunt him. The death of his teammates in that fateful day, when Intaglio, together with Robyn Jhee and a small army of terrorists launched an attack on the [MDF].

He finished washing up and went to his room, taking out his Torts case book to read up for the next day's boring lectures.

*tinkle tinkle* *CRASH!*

"Oh crap! What now??" Grifter looked in the direction of the noise. A drawer had fallen out of the cabinet because a screw had become loose. the contents of bills, letters and miscellaneous stuff came pouring out all over the floor, knocking over a hifi-speaker. But two packages were the last to fall out and slid nicely all the way across the floor to Grifter's feet. Two triangular shaped packages, wrapped in newspaper and tape. He thought he'd never see them again after he put his gun-slinging days away. A smile formed at the tip of his mouth, but at that moment, his handphone rang.

It was a message from J. He was going to meet up with her later to study. His smile widened. Finally, after a crumbled relationship and one whole year of lonely agony, perhaps he was heading in a new direction? Who knows what the future might bring? His new life was full of exciting things to do. Well, surely not as exciting as shooting terrorists in the head with carbines and USP pistols, but still, relatively exciting.

No, he would not go back to his old life again. He put those packages back in the drawer and hammered the screw in together with 2 other long nails, to make sure they won't fall out again. He wouldn't, and couldn't, go sliding back to his old life again, where violence and sex ruled and dominated his life. No, he was never going back there again.

He picked up his text book and some notes, stuffed them in his bag and left the house, looking for a nice palce to study. is this the new Grifter? No guns and guts anymore?

Posted by hero/grifter at 1:33 PM JST
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New story
Haha, guess i'll be able to continue my story-writing hobby over here! Hope you guys enjoy the story, its erm, a possible reflection of my current life? lolz...

Posted by hero/grifter at 1:14 PM JST
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Oct 1st 2003
Alright, my first attempt at creating something online... lolz, looks like crap leh... anyway feel free to post comments n stuff... Have a nice day!

Posted by hero/grifter at 1:04 PM JST
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