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"Thru howling winds and pouring rain, all evil shall fear The Hurricane!"

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Scene One: Opening~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We join the PWA, and after a week’s break we join The Hurricane, Mighty Molly and Tornado the Hurra-Hamster back at The Hurricane’s hotel room in Montreal, Canada. Tornado is running around in his tiny wheel inside of his cage and The Hurricane is sitting on the couch polishing his US title as he talks with Mighty Molly. From a closer look with the camera we see a sort of disappointed look on the face of The Hurricane, the camera man walks in closer and we can hear what Hurricane and Molly are talking about.

The Hurricane-Molly could it be possible that I’m losing my Hurra-powers already, I mean X-Pac almost defeated me, and he has no powers at all now wassup wit dat?! How can someone that pretends to be a superhero, but has no powers or cape have come so close to beating me?

Mighty Molly-Hurricane your not losing your powers trust me you’re the Hurricane the worlds greatest superhero there’s no way you can lose your powers, your letting it get to you. You would have had that match won if it wasn’t for Booker T’s interference. From ringside I could see the fear in X-Pac’s eyes and the relief that went through his eyes as Booker T ran down making it a double DQ. Hurricane I guarantee you would have won if not for Booker T.

The Hurricane finishes polishing his belt just as Molly stops talking and he flips it up over his shoulder and looks from it to Molly.

The Hurricane-Molly your Hurra-right, I would have defeated X-Pac if it wasn’t for Booker T, after all I am the first ever PWA US Champion. That’s something X-Pac has never been. There’s no way he would have won, after all I am a superhero and he’s what just a common criminal nothing special about him. But still, my Hurra-powers just didn’t quite seem up to par that night, if they were I could have easily taken down X-Pac and Booker T, I fear I’m losing my Hurra-touch Molly.

Mighty Molly-That’s crazy Hurricane you can’t lose your touch, I know your not losing it your letting that match get to you, this isn’t The Hurricane I know. Trust me Hurricane, you got this match against Brian Kendrick coming up and I know for sure Brian Kendrick is going to feel the ultimate punishment from your Hurra-powers.

The Hurricane cuts off Mighty Molly just as she is about to continue her speech.

The Hurricane-Oh No, I completely forgot about my match against Brian Kendrick. Molly this could be trouble for me. I realize from my match with X-Pac that I should not take small evil doers like him so lightly. He’s quick…

Mighty Molly-But not as quick as your Hurra-speed and Hurragility.

The Hurricane-He’s strong…

Mighty Molly-But not as strong as your Hurra-strength and Hurra-powers.

The Hurricane-You may be right Molly, after all I am a superhero he’s what…a common evil doer yeah that’s it, if I keep telling myself this then our match shouldn’t be a problem.

Mighty Molly-There you go Hurricane I knew you would pull through out of this…but then again Brian Kendrick does have the nWo to back him up…

The Hurricane-Molly you brought my Hurra-confidence up through the roof again and shot it back down, Revenge will be my ultimate superhero test thus far. It will be then that I prove once and for all if I am the world’s greatest superhero or if I’m losing my Hurra-powers.

Mighty Molly-Hurricane of course your not losing your powers and you are definitely still the world’s greatest superhero. The best there was the best there is the best there ever will be.

The Hurricane-Perhaps you are right Molly, but if you would excuse me I think I’m going to go for a nice walk to think things over and clear my head a little bit, would you mind taking care of Tornado while I’m gone?

Mighty Molly-No Hurricane, not at all, but I don’t see what there is to think about it’s only Brian Kendrick your facing.

The Hurricane-Molly, remember superhero rule 57 paragraph 3 line 7 states a true superhero must never under estimate his opponent or his abilities, looks can be deceiving.

Mighty Molly-Yes Hurricane, I’m sorry I’m still just a sidekick, I’m training to be a real hero like you.

The Hurricane-You still have a long way to go Molly, but fear not you will be soon enough.

The Hurricane disappears into another room and comes back out minutes later disguised as a regular Montreal teenage citizen wearing: baggy blue jeans, a grey short sleeve t-shirt and a black ecko sweater. For the disguise he put a discman in the pouch of the sweater and has a pair of headphones wrapped around the back of his neck.

Shane-Molly, I’m going out now, take care of Tornado until I get back ok I don’t want anything to happen to him.

Mighty Molly-Yes Hurricane I will…

Shane-Molly when I’m disguise please remember not to call me Hurricane, I’m Shane Helms, undercover as a Montreal Teenager don’t forget it could blow my cover and I could be attacked or mobbed by fans.

Mighty Molly-Yes Hurric…er Shane.

Shane-Good, I shouldn’t be to long, maybe 15 minutes tops.

Shane turns around to the door and before Molly can say anything else Shane is gone out the door, a minute later Molly looks out the hotel room window and can see The Hurricane walking across the street and he walks into a café. A camera-man is secretly following Hurricane and we see The Hurricane inside, he sits down on a stool and looks around for some service, not a single person in sight he just sits and waits and thinks. About two minutes later a rather large man approaches The Hurricane…well Shane and taps him on the shoulder. Shane turns around and faces the man. He has to be at least 7’0” and about 325 pounds.

Shane-Can I help you sir?

Large Man-Yeah your in my god damn chair man get the hell out of it!

Shane-That’s funny citizen…um Mr. Because I don’t see your name on it anywhere’s.

The entire café goes silent and everyone puts down there forks, knives, spoons and drinks and they all turn to look at Shane, wide eyed and surprised.

Large Man-What the hell did you just say, are you calling me a liar boy?!

Shane-No I just think your mistaken that’s all sir.

A voice is heard from the other side of the café over the silence.

Voice-Kick his ass Phil!!!

Phil smiles and looks back at Shane.

Phil-I’ll teach you to get smart with me boy, stand up so I can knock you right back down.

Shane stands up and looks up at the man trying to stare him in the eyes, from standing up to face the man Shane can see he is much bigger then he thought but still he stands his ground.

Shane-Alright Mr. Um Phil, I can see your angry about the chair but it’s only one spot there’s a lot of seats here so why don’t you and your friends turn around and go grab a table somewhere else before you get yourself hurt.

Phil and the entire café start laughing at Shane’s statement, Shane is getting angry with their laughter and thinks if they knew he was The Hurricane they wouldn’t be laughing right now.

Phil-You’re a brave kid you know that, no brains but lots of guts. Tell ya what, your so brave and I’m in such a good mood that hell I’ll let you have the first hit so come on give it your best shot.

Shane-Phil trust me, you don’t want me to hit you because if I did there would be no getting up, your quite lucky I’m far above the need to fight for a seat.

Phil bursts out laughing along with the rest of the café, Shane aka The Hurricane, is getting quite mad at the laughter now, not sure how much longer he can contain his anger Phil cuts him off before he continues to speak.

Phil-OH so now I’m the lucky one am I? That’s really funny kid but play time is over, you have about 5 seconds to get the hell out of my seat or I’m going to get you out myself.

Phil stares at Shane cruely and begins his count down.

Phil-1...2...3...4...5, ok kid you asked for it.

Phil hauls back and takes a huge swing at Shane, Shane ducks the punch and comes back at Phil with an upper cut to the midsection which causes Phil to lean over in pain and hold is stomache.

Shane-I warned you, some people just don’t like to listen though I’m sorry it had to come to that.

Phil curses at Shane and stands back up straight, and stares at Shane.

Phil-Alright little man your fast I’ll admit it, but I’m not done yet.

A voice is heard from the other side of the café.

Voice-Quit being a pansey Phil and kick his scrawny ass.

Phil-SHUT UP MIKE…ok little guy this is your last chance to move.

After a long pause Shane refuses to move and once again Phil attacks, this time with a spear. Shane quickly slides out of the way and grabs the back of Phil’s shirt and swings him straight into a table, the table falls ontop of Phil and he doesn’t move for a little while. A man comes running from the other side of the café to Phil.

Voice-What the hell?? Phil you ok man? How the hell did he do that?!

The manager comes out from his office and approaches Shane.

Manager-You little freak what did you do, that was my best damn customer. Get the hell out right now or I’m callin the cops.

Shane wastes no time, he turns and leaves the café with a satisfied look on his face and he says to himself as he leaves.

Shane-I knew I never lost my powers *laughs* and I managed to bring another evil doer to justice.

The door to the café closes and the camera turns back to Phil laying under the broken table, you can see his arm twitch and many of his friends are gathered around laughing and seeing if he is ok. The camera soon slowly fades out to black and a commercial begins.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Scene Two: Back at The Hotel~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

We rejoin the PWA just in time to see our favorite superhero enter his hotel room door, inside he sees Mighty Molly has just finished feeding Tornado and put the cover back on the cage. Mighty Molly finally notices Shane has re entered the room and looks at him with a half smile and sits down and speaks.

Mighty Molly-How was your walk Hurric.. I mean Shane?

Shane-I managed to bring another evil doer to justice, but in the process I got kicked out of the café across the street, but that does not matter. What matters is another villain has been taught a lesson and it was a mere warm-up for my Hurra-powers. But when I fight Brian Kendrick that will be the biggest test so far.

Mighty Molly-Hurricane, I can’t believe you even consider Brian Kendrick a test, he’s a pre-test at best. You should know he stands not a single chance against your Hurra-powers. You are going to go through Brian Kendrick, just like well…A Hurricane.

Shane-Perhaps your right, I believe I may be to worried about nothing, he isn’t that big of a challenge and after all I am the first ever PWA US Champion. He’s what, some rookie they picked up off the street. Your right Molly I will be fine Kendrick won’t know what hit him once he hit’s the mat from the Hurra-Slam.

Mighty Molly-It’s good to see you have your confidence back again Hurricane. And one more thing, while you were out I ordered some food from downstairs it should be up here shortly I hope you don’t mind.

Shane-No not at all, I’m actually quite hungry. But I’m going to take a quick shower before the food gets here.

Mighty Molly-Yes Hurricane.

The Hurricane turns and walks into the bathroom and locks the door behind him, a little later we can hear the sound of running water coming from the shower. Soon the camera slowly fades away to another commercial break.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Scene Three: B & E?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once more we join the PWA inside of The Hurricane’s hotel room. The camera is focused on the door to the bathroom where the Hurricane is showering, we suddenly hear the water stop running and a few seconds later The Hurricane comes out of the shower with a towel wrapped around him. He gets one look at the inside of his Hotel room and his face is filled with shock and surprise. He looks around the room with his mouth wide open. Soon the camera turns with The Hurricane and we can see the rest of the hotel room. We can clearly see why The Hurricane is so shocked, the tables have all been flipped over, garbage is litering the floor. Lamps have been knocked over and broken, the couch over turned and we can see Mighty Molly tied up and gagged in the corner of the room. The Hurricane quickly runs to her.

Mighty Molly-mmmmm mm, mmmmm!!!!!

The Hurricane removes the gag from Mighty Molly.

The Hurricane-What are you saying Molly?

Mighty Molly-I said untie me hurry!

The Hurricane quickly unties Molly and she stands up and stretches.

The Hurricane-Molly, what happened here why were you tied up?

Mighty Molly-I don’t know Hurricane, the bell hop got here with our food, I let him in and when I turned away to get a tip for him something hit me in the back of the head and I woke up about 2 minutes ago.

The Hurricane-Hmm interesting, very interesting indeed.

The Hurricane looks around the room looking for clues and his eyes lock on the hamster cage…the empty hamster cage, Hurricane yells and runs to the cage.

The Hurricane-NOOOO Tornado, where is he TORNADO WHERE ARE YOU?!

The Hurricane starts a frantic search throughout the entire hotel room as does Mighty Molly, Molly sees a piece of paper sticking out from under the cage. She picks it up and calls The Hurricane over and The Hurricane takes the note and reads it outloud.

The Hurricane-If you ever want to see your precious pet hamster again, meet me in the alleyway behind the hotel room at 2:30 signed anonymous.

Mighty Molly-A kidnapping maybe? But why.

The Hurricane-This surely has to be the works of an evil genius, an evil mastermind maybe. But no matter who that is or what he wants I must show up to get my sidekick Tornado back.

The Hurricane looks up at the clock on the wall.

The Hurricane-Its 2:27 we have three minutes to get down there. Wait right here while I go get dressed Molly.

Mighty Molly-Yes Hurricane.

The Hurricane disappears into another room and comes back a minute later in his Hurricane attire.

The Hurricane-Quickly Molly, we have not a second to spare.

The Hurricane and Molly run to the door but as they are about to open it they hear a banging sound coming from the closet in the room, together they turn and look at the closet, The Hurricane is the first to walk to the closet and he opens it slowly. Once halfway open it flies open and a tied up bellhop tumbles out onto the floor. The Hurricane bends over and unties and ungags him.

The Hurricane-Are you ok citizen, what has happened here? Do you know where my Tornado went?

Bell Hop-N-n-no sir, I just came up to deliver your food as ordered by Ms. Holly, I had opened the door and Molly had turned to find the money for my tip. Just as she had turned around I felt something hit me in the back of the head, before I could say anything at all I blacked out and woke up in that damned closet.

The Hurricane-So you didn’t get a look at the villain at all?

Bell Hop-No sir sorry. May I go now?

The Hurricane-Yes of course. Keep your eyes open and stay safe citizen.

The bell hop says nothing he just bolts out of the room terrified.

The Hurricane-Come Molly we have little time to rescue our deer friend Tornado.

The camera fades out to yet another commercial as The Hurricane and Molly run out of the room.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Scene Four: The Encounter~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Once more we join our heroes of the PWA, this time in the alley behind the hotel. They are pacing and looking around awaiting the criminal to reveal him or herself. Suddenly when it seems as though he won’t be showing up a dark figure steps out from the shadows, still unable to see his face the man speaks.

Mystery Man-I’m glad you could join me today Hurricane…

The Hurricane-I’m not here for formalities villain, I want Tornado back unharmed or there will be trouble, now show yourself evil doer.

The mystery man laughs and slowly steps more into the light, first we can see Tornado in the mans hand and his face is slowly revealed.

Mighty Molly-Hurricane it’s it’s…another bell hop.

The Hurricane-Alright evil doer, why have you kidnapped Tornado and what do you want? Did we not tip you big enough?

Bell Hop#2-hahaha, this isn’t about a tip you fool, Brian Kendrick is my favorite PWA superstar and I will give you Tornado back if you promise to throw the match against him at Revenge.

Mighty Molly-WHAT?!

The Hurricane-WHAT?! That’s absurd, is Kendrick really that bad that bell hops have to threaten his opponents into letting him win.

Bell Hop#2-No this is just a little bit of insurance, so do we have a deal or does the hamster get it?

The Hurricane-I can’t believe you would threaten an innocent hamster life so your favorite superstar can win WASSUPWITDAT?!

Just as The Hurricane is about to say more he sees yet another shadowy figure come out from the shadow’s. The figure is moving quietly but the bell hop still hears him coming, he turns just in time to see who it is, the shadowy figure takes a swing with something in his hands and the bell hop holding Tornado falls to the ground and Tornado is released and instantly runs to The Hurricane, The Hurricane picks him up and the shadowy figure comes out of the darkness revealing himself to be the bell hop from earlier.

The Hurricane-Thank you citizen, you saved my Tornado, you have the makings of a real superhero someday.

Bell Hop#1-Thank you sir, but I was just doing what I thought was right and getting back at him for tying me up in the closet.

The Hurricane-Well, what you did took courage. So to show my appreciation I’m going to give you a special seat at Revenge in the front row and a backstage pass to go when you want and meet some superstars.

Bell Hop#1-Oh thank you sir, this is great I’m going to ask for that night off.

The Hurricane hands the bell hop the ticket and the bell hop runs off into the building happily and excited and the camera comes back to The Hurricane and Mighty Molly.

Mighty Molly-So what do we do with this guy?

The Hurricane-Just leave him here for now I think he learned his lesson, but just in case we will call the police from the room. Let’s go celebrate getting Tornado back inside.

The Hurricane and Mighty Molly turn and begin to walk back to the hotel and the camera slowly fades out to black.

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