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Ginger, Super New Yorker, Talks Yankees
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Today there was a press conference. They aired it on the YES network. I neglected my work and watched the whole stinking thing.

They had Torre and Jeter and Cashman there, as well as Mr. October, if you know who I mean. (Do you? Do you know your stuff?)

It was all very ceremonious. Jeter helped A-Rod put on his pinstriped jersey (number 13, incidentally). They looked like two nervous teenagers at prom, Jeter fumbling with the corsage, A-Rod giggling. Then Torre slapped the cap on him and it was official.

Michael Kay and Susan Waldman were there. I've missed them. Waldman's my favorite. If Torre weren't married, I'd want them to run away together. Wait, I still want them to do that. It'd be adorable.

The highlight of the whole conference though, if you ask me, was when some reporter (who is no doubt getting a brutal beating right now from his boss as I type this ) accidentally addressed Alex as "Derek." Alex looked confused for a minute and then glanced over at Derek, laughing on the outside, maybe a little pissed on the inside. That was beautiful. It sort of epitomized the odd situation they are in now. "Wait, TWO of the best shortstops of all time? On the same team? And they're about the same age, look kind of the same, have been friends for years? ...Mmmkay."