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Furious Angels

Check this site everyday for updates in the game, and with the Furious Angels Linkshell!

Furious Angels is a Final Fantasy XI guild with open recruiting for any job class. To become a member, simply send a message in the game to PhoenixFire or email Phoenixfire at .

December, 2003

New patches to download, and hints of a holiday suprise for FFXI. Lots of fun and not so fun things to do in the game. Very good news! With my (PhoenixFire) recent recruiting trip to Federation Windhurst I have expanded Furious Angels outside of the great Elvaan Kingdom of SanD'oria. I will soon venture to Bastok and Jeuno to expand our clan even furthur. If any of you are interested in recruiting, just contact me in the game and I will make you an Administrator. Have fun everyone and I'll see ya in the game!

Final Fantasy XI is off to an amazing start. With the servers now full of new adventurers, the environment of FFXI is now beginning to take shape. I (PhoenixFire) am currently a 21 level warrior/ 8 level white mage, and the rest of Furious Angels are getting up there, anticipating the arrival of PvP. For those of you who are interested, Furious Angels currently resides in the Garuda server. So catch up with us via email or we'll see ya in the game!


*If you do not appear on the list, you will soon, so don't worry!

Final Fantasy XI Links

The Official FFXI Site
Good Site, fun tools
Warcry Network's site
