::What's gone before::What is left::Who is left::Don't even think about it::Becoming part of it:

Choose a world torn by a disaster no one remembers, choose children born mutated as side effect, choose a vicious viglante police force, choose a desolate desert landscape, choose crime, chaos and anarchy, choose a nation too afraid to defend itself, choose a broken government, choose a broken people, choose the last few idealists and heroes, choose the bored and the drunk and the brave, choose the stubborn and the Stupid, choose the good and the bad, choose those who stand up just because they can, choose those who can't but wish they could, choose those who don't.

Choose a world.
Choose this world.
Choose Fractured

Fractured RPG is a free form role playing game set in the environment described (well, sort of described) above. It was started late in 2003, and the members decided that we should find a better place to archive the posts. Now, I wasn't about to go back over the posts and save them all (being the hellishly inefficient mod that I am). So instead I decided to keep a running summary of what had happened so far on this website. I'll eventually add details on the clans, peacekeepers, characters, world, joining, and other things of that nature.