Trixie's Fantasy

About me My pictures Prison penpals PrisonTalk

Hey Everyone! Happy Valentines Day!! Give me a little time to get this site up and running again!!! Hopefully it comes back better then before!
HEY EVERYONE! Okay Gonna give you a lil bit info on me! My names Jennifer (everyone calls me Jeni or Jen) and I'm 20 years old! I've already met the love of my life and this is us!

YYY I Love My Boyfr iend YYY

Don't we make such a good couple! Anyway okay skip that, lets get to the reason I am am here!

My boo boo is currently incarserated in Grayson County, KY. He's been gone for about 8 months now and if someone tells you it gets easier... they lied! It gets bareable not easier...

I am gettin this website up and running because I feel that it helps me to be able to associate with people in the same situation as I am in right now. I am a member of PTO (prisontalk online) and have been for approx 7 1/2 months. It's been very helpful to me in every way! So do check it out the link is at the top of the page!

Also sign my guestbook and feel free to contact me by email or yahoo messanger ( butterfly_boo21 ) I've always got free time to chat! so take your time browse around and let me know if theres anything you'd like for me to add! Fell free to tell me your story also, I'd love to post it! Update: I had to change the guestbook! Sorry to those who signed the other one I tried to work with it but couldnt figure out what was wrong so I had to get another one!!

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