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Hey You! Get Over Here!

SHOUT OUTS!!! *KASZ- A really loud shout out to you! Such change... Besides being nice, you're really smart and for a guy, you sing pretty good. Eat any grasshoppers lately? I saw a huge one the other day...Remember "Bend it and die!" as well as "I'll sleep when I'm dead." My donkey.. *Alex E.- All the fun times in the staff room and confusing Kasz with lines from Austin Powers. "Pancake!" One day I will have all the pictures that we took. You'll always make me laugh. *Dana- Much love... You're right, we do have to come up with another system, one that the guys don't know about. Speaking of the tree, I was tired! Movies, 40 hrs. of no sleep and the system equal fun! You have a belly button and I have a swoosh on my butt. Cya at Greenville *Alex 2- Together we're A 3 and unbeatable. At least when taking pictures of people sleeping. You guys know the ultimate trick... *Erik B. Just cuz you're the dragon doesn't mean you're gay! Don't forget that trucker, I bet he's pissed... I found some DDR songs, you probably have them. Oh and your laugh... J/K "Pinch" *Rikki- Up for another game of AirHockey? My bruise is finally gone, thank you very much. Princess!! One day you might be a prince. I'll talk to Dana. *Zach- Thanks for sleeping on my arm... I'm still puzzled as to why we picked the gingerbread man for you. Maybe it was the closest thing to chocolate cake. *JoJo- Do you know my secret? If not you're probably the only one that was at your house who doesn't know... But, what can I say? I don't see you too much, but when I do, something fun is usually happening. *Steve- You may have an 'ego', but you're still cool. Just don't stay up too late working on anything... Also, watch Shrek and see if you see any of you in Lord F. *Erik T.- Great times we have had, let me tell you. There would have been more if you had been at JoJo's house. *Bob- Got any danger tape left over? It might prove useful some day. Keep taking pictures. *Devon- Didn't mean to call you a Tech... Catching grasshoppers with Kasz. I can't believe he forgot them in the staff room! *Madi- What to say? You're an awesome twirler. One day we may be ablt to convince Lt. ROberts to let us use the MadAsh. *Joe W.- Glad to have met you when I did. Wing Conference and Encampment '02' fun fun. YOu're a really funny person... *Tracy- At first, you were the only one who knew my secret of 'moving on' so to say. Now a whole bunch of people know. I guess its meant to be that way. *Miles- I'm still wondering how you heard about 'pinch'. Your theory that all info passes through Miles doesn't really convince me. Haven't seen you in a while, maybe later. *Justin- You definitely have issues, but don't we all? Maybe it's Elmo's fault or maybe you're recouperating from Encampment '03'. Anyway, good luck in Germany.

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