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Final Fantasy VIII - Rise of Omagnon

Welcome to the new FFVIII SL. This takes place in Post Ultimecia Times. Right now, the SL is under heavy construction and is in need of plotters.

MEMBERS!-Message from Irvine.

Send me your characters segment in the storyline. Keep it above a paragraph, below a chapter.

Also, send me a pic for your member page. (Unless you like the default one me or Seifer find for you.)

And...If you want a particular description in your character page instead of the one you already have, send me that too.

If you joined before the addition of Runes and Magic from the start, contact me with your choice of Rune (Any but Status) and your choice of Magic. (Fire, Ice, Lightning, Earth)

Access SeeDs Databases.

Current Storyline.
Current Members.
Application and Joining Info.
Basic Rules.
World Map.
Combat Rules.
Items and Accessories.
Magic, Skills and GFs.
Factions of FF8RO.
The Men Behind the Scenes.
