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Past Activities

In case you missed it – the group decided at the Potluck last night to cancel our monthly vigil today because of the cold.  I think all will agree that was a wise decision.  Enjoy the day by the fire.


We enjoyed presentations last night my members Miriam McGrath and David Jones and are planning to have our monthly potluck Friday, February 15th with a 30 minute documentary dvd on Arab stereotyping in the media AND the vigil at noon on the 16th.  Hope you can join us.

I do want to remind you of the program “O Little Town of Bethlehem”, Sunday, December 16, 2:30 p.m. at St Giles Catholic Church in Oak Park.  The meeting, sponsored by the Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine, will be in the Parish Hall at 1101 Columbian.  Speakers will include Rosemary Radford Ruether, a noted Roman Catholic  feminist theologian and author of works examining Zionism and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict; and Jim Wall, whom we all know.  For more information call 312/427/2533x18.  To get there, Rand McNally maps says to take the Eisenhower to Harlem.  North (left) on Harlem to Chicago (right), then left on Oak Park Ave for .8 miles.  Then R onto Greenfield and left onto Columbian.   


I also want to urge you to keep our Saturday, December 22nd, Noon to 1:00 p.m, Bridge Vigil on your calendar.  About a dozen showed up in November.  There should be a lot of traffic that close to Christmas so it should give us good visibility.  Dress warmly and join us as long as you can.

We had a great send off on Friday for the Beavins and good conversations around ETO future.

We will continue with our monthly potlucks for education and emotional support (we all look forward to seeing everyone to connect).  We also will continue the monthly vigils on the bridge in downtown Naperville.  Everyone agreed this is extremely important to do as we are a constant reminder to the general public.  
This last Saturday, a woman who was out on her daily walk, grabbed a sign and stood with us for the vigil and asked to come again--little things like that help keep us going.
What we do want to focus on is connecting with other groups locally/ nationally for the political scene as well as attending other events in the area on the Israel/Palestine issue (and carpooling to make it easier for our group to attend).
If you receive an email notice/ flyer on an event you want to carpool for, please bring it to our attention.
With that said, you will receive a separate email about carpooling to May event with Father Chacour. 
Our next potluck will be on May 18 and vigil on May 19.

On June 15, our potluck will also be our 7th annivesary so we plan to have the celebration potluck meal at the Nabhan home / backyard in Naperville.  More details to come in May.
Thank you for your continued support and efforts,
ETO Steering Comm.

Hello friends,
At Friday's potluck, we discussed organizing a carpool to this event (SEE BELOW FOR DETAILS)  in Oakbrook.
Carpool will meet at Wesley United Methodist Church:
Thurs May 17 - Meet at 5:15 pm
Leave church at 5:30 pm
If you would like to carpool from Wesley please send email to and provide # of people in your group by May 10. 
We want to ensure there are enough spots for people in the cars going together.
Please purchase tickets in advance or take chance of event being sold out.
For tickets, please coordinate directly via email with Rhoda & Awad Sifri or Mary Romero:  or
$15 per person - checks made to "Pilgrims of Ibillin"
Thank you.

Mary Romero <> wrote:
Greetings Everyone,    Fr. Elias Chacour, the Bishop of the Galillee, is coming on May 17th to the Chicago area. Fr. Chacour is a Melkite priest (in communion with Rome) and has founded a school in Ibillin in the Galillee in Israel. The school is interfaith and has expanded to include K thru college. Fr. Chacour will be speaking at Christ Church Oakbrook. He will be joined by Mark Braverman.  The title of the program is " Two Views". Please see if you can get this info in your church bulletins. Thanks,  Mary R. 
Date: Thursday, May 17 2007
Time: Reception 6:30pm   Program: 7:30pm
Place: Christ Church, Oakbrook, IL    Corner of 31st and York Rd.
Cost: $ 15

MARCH 16, 2007 - 8 PM
(following potluck meal from 7-7:45 PM)
Please join ETO for a showing of "The Iron Wall" (50 minutes) followed by discussion.
Wesley United Methodist Church
Franklin and Center Streets in Naperville
The Iron Wall
Mohammed Alatar
In 1923, Vladmir Jabotinsky - father of the Zionist right - wrote: "Zionist colonization... can proceed and develop only under the protection of a power that is independent of the native population - behind an IRON WALL, which the native population cannot breach."
From that day on, these words became the official and unspoken policy of the Zionist movement and, later, the State of Israel. Colonies, often referred to as "settlements," were used to solidify the Zionist foothold throughout historic Palestine.
Following the 1967 occupation of the West Bank and Gaza, more than 200 settlements and outposts have been built in these territories, in violation of international law. The Iron Wall exposes this phenomenon and follows the timeline, size, and population of the settlements, reveals how their construction has been a cornerstone of Israeli policy, and demonstrates how the Wall secures them as permanent and irreversible facts on the ground.
This documentary warns that a contiguous and viable Palestinian state is becoming no longer possible, and that the chances for a peaceful resolution of the conflict are slipping away.
The Iron Wall features interviews with prominent Israeli and Palestinian peace activists and political analysts, including Jeff Halper, Akiva Eldar, Hind Khoury, and others. Also included are eye-opening interviews with Israeli settlers and soldiers, and Palestinian farmers.
"The best description of the barrier, its routing and impact is shown in the film The Iron Wall."
- President Jimmy Carter

Voices of Courage

The Courage of Jimmy Carter:
From Peanuts to Prophecy

An Evening Discussion on former President
Jimmy Carter's recent publication entitled
"Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid" with Mr. Jim Wall.

Friday, February 16th at 8:00 pm
Wesley United Methodist Church
21 E. Franklin, Naperville

Editor of the Christian Century magazine from 1972 through February 1999, Mr. Wall is now Senior Contributing Editor of the magazine. He has specialized in writing on religion and politics in the Middle East and has made frequent visits to Israel and Palestine (most recently, January, 2006).

An ordained United Methodist minister, Wall previously served as pastor of local churches in Illinois and Georgia. He is currently co-chair of the Church Network on Education on Palestine.

Involved heavily in politics through the years, Wall has participated as a delegate, as a special advisor to national presidential campaign manager, as chair for delegate selection committee, and campaign manager. He has experience with senatorial and presidential primary campaigns as well as presidential general elections.

Wall was chairman of the Jimmy Carter presidential primary and general election campaigns in Illinois in 1976 and 1980 and was a Carter convention delegate in both 1976 and 1980.

Presented by

End the Occupation Coalition, Northern Illinois
Feb 17- vigil -noon
Peace be with you,
ETO Steering Committee
Sunday, May 7, 2006
Fifth Annual Walk for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine
Oak Park, Illinois 
1:00 Rally Scoville Park, Lake St. and Oak Park Ave. 
1:45 Peace Walk through Downtown Oak Park   
3:00 Advocacy Buffet at First United Methodist Church, 324 N.Oak Park Ave 
Scheduled Speakers: Ali Abunimah, Roxane Assaf, Yigal Bronner, Phyllis Bennis, Ronnie Gilbert, and Danny Glover
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Jerry Levin Speaking Engagement on Christian Peacemakers Team
7:30 pm
Community United Methodist Church- Fellowship Hall
20 North Center Street, Naperville



Tuesday, June 6, 2006
Steering Meeting -7:30 pm at Wesley
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
Caterpillar Stockholders meeting
Downtown Chicago at noon
Friday, June 16 2006 and Saturday, June 17, 2006
June Potluck and Vigil
Saturday, July 22, 2006
ETO Summer Picnic
Blackwell Forest Preserve

August 27, 2005; 6:30 PM; ETO LAMB ROAST POTLUCK PICNIC!; Warrenville

Since our potluck was scheduled for 8/19 we decided to skip it and instead have the picnic be the potluck. Instead of at someone's home, we decided to host it at a public park.

The vigil will still be on Sat 8/20 at noon.

Location: Blackwell Forest Preserve -- East Shelter

Located on the northwest corner of Route 56 (Butterfield Road) and Winfield Road, in Warrenville. The shelter has large grill, restroom facitlies, drinking water, and a concrete floor plus picnic tables for 50. This shelter site overlooks the lake and boat launch. Canoe/Row Boat rental are available for $5/ hour.

Friday, July 15, 2005: Focus: Christian Zionism

Gene will present on Christian Zionism. He has been researching this topic for his chuch and is conducting educational programs on this topic.

Tuesday June 21, 2005; 7:30 PM; Next Steering Meeting

Friday, June 17, 2005; 7:00 PM; Focus: What happened in Palestine through 1948 -- Historical and Personal Testimony

The anniversary for the state of Israel being created just passed (5-15-48). Daoud will present a historical background based on Israeli historians' research and discuss the Zionist plan for the land/people during that period.

We'd like to invite personal testimony from Awad, Daoud, Basim, Sami, and Nadil to share from their families perspectives during 1947-48.

August 27, 2004; 6:30 PM; ETO Picnic; Naperville

Dear ETO Friends:   
    You are invited to a special ETO Picnic Potluck on Friday evening,  August 27, starting at 6:30 p.m. - note the earlier start timeCarol and Duane Mevis will host the event at their home at 1310 Brush Hill Circle, Naperville (directions to follow). 
    Ali Mirakani has generously offered to provide the main course of roasted lamb and rice!  This will be a planned potluck so if you are able to attend we ask you to either email  or call Carol at 428-3942.  Over 20 have already replied so we are looking forward to a wonderful evening. 
    We are accustomed to rather serious, intense meetings so this one will be strictly social!!! and provide an opportunity for us to enjoy each other's company. 
    We will still have our normal bridge vigil on Saturday, August 28, Noon -1:00 pm.
    Be aware that Wesley United Methodist Church is beginning some remodeling and we will need to relocated to First Congregational Church for our September  and October meetings.  It is located just south of Wesley at 25 E. Benton.  More specific directions will be given in our September announcement.
Best wishes,
Duane and Carol Mevis

Friday, Nov. 7, 7:00 p.m. Ethnic Potluck

Bring a generous dish to share and your table service, as always. Note the change of date. We have been able to schedule a visit with Sandra Olewine, United Methodist Missionary, serving as liaison for the Middle East Council of Churches in Jerusalem. Her primary work site is at the International Center of Bethlehem, an outreach ministry of the Christmas Lutheran Church. Her topic will be "Living Under Military Occupation: What Americans Should Know about the Israeli Occupation".

Saturday, Nov. 29, Noon - 1:00 p.m.; Bridge Vigil

Our normal Vigil on the Washington Street Bridge in Naperville. This is the beginning of the shopping season - so we should have good visibility!

Sunday, October 26, 2003: 3:30 p.m. "Peace Prospects: Israel & Hope"

Abuna Elias Chacour, author of Blood Brothers, and peace activist, will be speaking at St Peter and Paul Church, Benton and Ellsworth, two blocks East of Wesley United Methodist. We are very fortunate to have a world-renowned figure speaking so close to home. Tell others about it and bring your friends.

Saturday, October 25, 2003: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil


Come hear the courageous words of Arabia and Salim whose home was demolished four times, in the village of Anata, outside of Jerusalem. To be held at Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin St., Naperville, Illinois.

Salim and Arabia began building a home on land that they owned, as so many Palestinians do. They had finished their home, and were eating lunch when soldiers appeared at the door, and announced "You have 15 minutes to clear out your belongings, before we will demolish the house." Salim and Arabia called Jeff Halper, Israeli co-founder of Rebuilding Palestinian Homes, a trusted friend. He came to the Shawamreh home and tried to intervene. They were both bruised and beaten by the Israeli Army. While the family and Jeff watched as a bulldozer rammed through Salim's daughter's bedroom, they decided together that the best way to resist the cruelty of home demolitions under the Occupation, was to rebuild again.

Thus was born "The Global Campaign to Rebuild Palestinian Homes."Over the past seven years, hundreds of Israelis, Palestinians, and internationals have helped rebuild this home and 18 others. Thousands of people around the world have followed this case. Our Peace Center has now been built on their site, named "The House of Arabia" and in honor of Nuha Sweidan, a pregnant Palestinian woman killed in Gaza in March 2003 when an Israeli bulldozer demolished her home on top of her, and of Rachel Corrie, an American volunteer who was killed by an Israeli army bulldozer two weeks later, as she was trying to protect a Palestinian home in Gaza from demolition.

People around the world are lending a hand- Come and Join Us! Meet Arabia and Salim in person!

Tax-deductible donations can be made to Global Exchange/Rebuilding Homes

Saturday, September 27, 2003: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

Friday, September 26, 2003: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

Program: We will view the 30 minute video "The Longing", written and produced by Robert Hostetter based on the play by the same name. The play is based on oral history interviews recorded by Dr. Hostetter from 1998-2000. One scene portrays the experiences of Arabia and Salim Shawamreh whose home has been demolished four times, in the village of Anata, outside of Jerusalem. The video will provide good background for their visit to Wesley United Methodist Church on Wednesday, October 8, 7:30 p.m.

Saturday, July 26, 2003: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  Join us and bring a friend.

Friday, July 25, 2003: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington).  Franklin is 9 blocks south of Ogden Ave. and 2 blocks north of Jefferson.   Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

Program: Islam and Muslims are much in the news these days. Often times they are misrepresented and cast in a negative light. One of our members, Ali Mirkiani, has agreed to help us better understand Islam and will address us on the topic "More In Common Than You Think".

BIO: Ali Mirkiani was born in Iran but has lived and worked in the Chicago area the past 30 years. Before moving to the U.S. with his family in 1973 he had lived and traveled extensively in many countries such as Iran, Morocco, Indonesia, Spain, Germany, France, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and Iraq.

He graduated from the University of Illinois-Chicago in 1977. Professionally, he is a Licensed Realtor and Residential Mortgage Broker.

He relates that in 1993 he had become disappointed with the mass media representations of facts, particularly regarding Islam. He decided to do something about it. He says, “I unplugged my TV and plugged in my mind by going to the COD library.” Since then he has been engaged in independent research.

His studies have focused on the Mass Media, World Religions and Cultures, Theology, Mysticism, Philosophy, Art and Architecture. He has read over 520 books, participated in conferences and done some writing and public speaking.

Ali Mirkiani is an active member of the Chicagoland Muslim community. He has been involved in interfaith work. Ali has participated in the Chicago area Muslim/Catholic Dialogue Group for the past seven years. Also, for the last year and half he has been a member of ETO.

I believe Dr. Malcom Stewart has it right when he says: "There will be no peace in our world until there is peace among the religions".

Saturday, June 28, 2003: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  Join us and bring a friend.

Friday, June 27, 2003: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington).  Franklin is 9 blocks south of Ogden Ave. and 2 blocks north of Jefferson.   Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

Saturday, May 24, 2003: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  Join us and bring a friend.

Friday, May 23, 2003: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington).  Franklin is 9 blocks south of Ogden Ave. and 2 blocks north of Jefferson.   Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

Special Program at 8:00 PM: We are thrilled to announce that our guest speaker will be Dr. Gary Burge, author of the new book, WHOSE LAND? WHOSE PROMISE? WHAT CHRISTIANS ARE NOT BEING TOLD ABOUT ISRAEL AND THE PALESTINIANS.

Gary Burge's interest in the intersection of the Middle East and the Bible began when he was a student at the American University of Beirut and Near East School of Theology during Lebanon's troubled 1970s. Since then, he has received his M. Div. from Fuller Seminary and his Ph.D in New Testament at King's College, Aberdeen University, Scotland.

Today he is a professof of New Testament at Wheaton College and Graduate School. Gary is also president of "Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding" and continues to write and speak passionately about the crisis in the Middle East.

He dares to confront such questions as: 1) How do I embrace my commitment to Judaism, a commitment to which I am bound by the Bible, when I sense in my deepest being that there is a profound injustice afoot in Israel? 2) How do I celebrate the birth of the nation of Israel when I also mourn the suffering of Arab Christians who are equally my brothers and sisters in Christ? 3) How do I love those Palestinians Muslims who are deeply misunderstood by all parties in this conflict?

Copies of his new book will be available at a discounted price. This would be a good meeting to invite friends to attend. We would be glad to have them share the meal with us but they would also be welcome to simply come for the lecture at 8:00 p.m.

Sunday, May 4, 2003; 12:30 PM; OAK PARK, ILLINOIS

Second Annual WALK for a JUST PEACE in ISRAEL and PALESTINE and the First Annual Israeli-Palestinian Advocacy Buffet and Potluck

Sunday, May 4, 12:30pm, Northwest Corner, Lake St. and Oak Park Ave. The tragedy of Israeli-Palestinian violence continues daily. Come raise your voice for peace; take action for justice. Join with Jews, Muslims, Christians, and secular humanists in a constructive expression of commitment and hope.

Walk for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine: Meet at the northwest corner of Lake St. & Oak Park Ave. (downtown Oak Park) and we'll walk west to Harlem Ave., back along Lake St. and then to Oak Park Ave. (1 1/3 miles total).

Advocacy Buffet and Potluck: After the walk, wešll meet at a nearby location to write hundreds of letters on a number of issues to national and civic leaders, urging them to stop ignoring this crisis and take courageous action toward a just and peaceful resolution.

Bring Signs, Banners, Pens, and Potluck Dish to share.

If your organization is interested in co-sponsoring this event, contact Janet Settle: Current Sponsors: American Friends Service Committee, Committee for a Just Peace in Israel and Palestine, DuPage Peace through Justice Coalition, End the Occupation Coalition-Naperville, Episcopal Peace Fellowship, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Chicago Chapter, Northwest Suburban SUSTAIN, Not In My Name, Pax Christi Chicago, Pax Christi Illinois, Support Sanity, Tikkun-Chicago

Saturday, April 26, 2003: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  Join us and bring a friend.

Friday, April 25, 2003: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington).  Franklin is 9 blocks south of Ogden Ave. and 2 blocks north of Jefferson.   Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

Special Program: Brayton Gray, a Quaker friend of Bonnie Oulhman, who recently served as a member of a Christian Peacemaker Team delegation to the West Bank, will be with us to share some of his experiences. He will describe their visit to the Quaker School in Ramallah and the conditions in Ramallah. He will also tell about Hebron and the severe conditions there. In addition he will share about their stand in the fields of the farmers in Beit Sahour which have been closed by a nearby Israeli settlement. He will also show pictures and present a video made during their visit.

Feedback in Local Newspapers

  • Naperville local access TV stays censor-free
  • NCTV board opts not to allow rebuttals
  • The Naperville Sun 6/18/03: YOUR TURN
  • Accusations of skewing skewer journalists
  • NCTV to debate rebuttal policy Wednesday
  • Farhan Khalid: Group looks to end Israeli occupation
  • Carmen Patti: Objects to NCTV deciding what residents can see
  • NCTV to seek legal advice before airing program on Palestine
  • NCTV postpones broadcast of second Palestine program
  • April 17-25, 2003; CHICAGO

    A Palestine Film festival will be held in Chicago from 17-25 April. For more information, including venues and films check out the website

    Saturday, March 29, 2003: No Bridge Vigil Today

    Friday, March 28, 2003: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington).  Franklin is 9 blocks south of Ogden Ave. and 2 blocks north of Jefferson.   Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Duane's Report: ETO met for our monthly potluck the 28th. We had our usual very delicious meal and an especially open and supportive discussion. Everyone seemed to feel the need to be together during these trying times.

    After a lengthy discussion it was agreed to postpone our Bridge Vigil for one month because of the added tensions caused by the Iraq war. It was feared that our message could be seen as pro-Iraq and anti-American and would probably not help our cause.

    It was decided to instead focus our attention on the April 1st "National Day of Advocacy for Palestine" - see the related earlier email that gives details of how you can participate.

    It was also decided to have a meeting at the usual time Saturday, March 29, from noon til 1:00 p.m. at Wesley Church, 21 E. Franklin, our usual meeting place. Instead of the Vigil we will see the video on Rebuilding demolished homes and strategize ways to promote Jeff Halpers' very positive program.

    We also talked about using the the next week to sharpen up some of our Vigil signs. If you have suggestions for messages to be placed on the signs please send them to John Bagley at: . The dealine for suggestion is one week from tonight or April 4th. A committee of Laila Nabhan, Awad Sifri, Ali Mirkiani, Reema Nabhan, and John Bagley (convener) agreed to work on making new signs.

    We will meet for our potluck on Friday, April 25th as usual and it is planned that we will return to the Bridge for a Vigil on Saturday the 26th.

    Peace, Salam, Shalom, Duane Mevis

    Saturday, March 1, 2003: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Duane's Report: We had about 3 dozen on the bridge today!

    Friday, February 28, 2003: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington).  Franklin is 9 blocks south of Ogden Ave. and 2 blocks north of Jefferson.   Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

    The DuPage End The Occupation Coalition invites you to attend this special monthly meeting to hear an eyewitness account by a recent traveler to occupied Palestine.

    Kevin Clark, coordinator of Northwest Suburban SUSTAIN and veteran peace/justice activist, worked with the International Solidarity Movement ( in Palestine from January 1-21, 2003. During his work with ISM, her served as a "human shield" on several occasions and was involved in nonviolent direct actions that removed roadblocks constructed by Israeli Occupation Forces in Nablus. Clark also served as an international observer/monitor at military checkpoints to assist Palestinians in their daily travel. Throughout most of his stay in Nablus, he stayed in the family home of Burak Burak Khelfi, a "shahid" (martyr) that carried out the deadly January 5, 2003, suicide bombing in Tel Aviv along with Samer Nouri. Clark stayed in the home with other internationals to protect it from demolition by the Israeli Occupation Forces in their campaign of collective punishment.

    Duane's Report: I thought we had a great night with Kevin Clark last night with 47 or so attending!

    Feedback in Local Newspapers

  • Residents ask NCTV to consider rebuttal policy
  • Greg Shugar: NCTV's program policies protect free speech
  • Professor Kanan Rosenstein: Reader is unhappy with suicide bombing program
  • Ora Hoshen: Victims of bombing must be mourned
  • Rev. H. Jason Reed: House of worship target of misplaced anger
  • Isaac Levendel: Loss of life of Jews, Palestinians deplorable
  • Sheldon Isenberg: 'Peace and justice' committees apologize for war criminals
  • Kevin Clark: Self-determination is the way to go for Palestinians
  • Cheryl Marshall: Show your support for our military
  • Barry Anshell: No matter opinion of war, all should oppose terrorism
  • Ora Hoshen: Suicide bomber's victims should be remembered
  • Saturday, February 15, 2003; March and Rally: Noon

    No War on Iraq! Stop Attacking Immigrants! February 15th is an international day of protest against war on Iraq, with huge protests planned in New York, San Francisco and all the major capitals of Europe. It is also just 6 days before the "registration" deadline for many Pakistanis in the United States, the same "registrations" which led to the arrests of more than 1000 Iranians in Los Angeles a few weeks ago. Therefore the march will have BOTH an anti-war and anti-racist theme. Buses from around the city and suburbs are available for those interested. See
    WHERE: 2200 W. Devon, Chicago, at the corner of Devon & Leavitt in the heart of Chicago's Pakistani community.
    BUS FROM VILLA PARK: There will be a bus leaving from the Islamic Foundation in Villa Park for the rally in Chicago next Saturday. You can park in their lot and ride to the rally without having to worry about finding a place to park in Chicago. The bus will leave at 11:00 AM and return after the rally. Plan to arrive at the Islamic Foundation by 10:45 AM so that the bus can be loaded and ready to leave on time. Call Ali Miriani at (630) 674-5174 to reserve your place.
    CONTACT INFO: Leaflets in English, Spanish and Arabic are available for downloading at; E-mail:

    Saturday, January 25, 2003: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  Join us and bring a friend. Report: 28+ people, 26- degrees, brisk wind, brrr, good spirits.

    Friday, January 24, 2003: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington between Jefferson and Ogden).  Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Friends: Here are few reflections about our recent efforts.

    Yesterday was another of our ETO potlucks that have become almost routine for some of us - but are certainly unique and important events. About 35 gathered on a cold winter evening to enjoy a bountiful, delicious meal of ethnic foods.

    We were blessed to have Stephanie Hughes bring two Slovakian visitors with her. We also had several people join us for the first time - which is a reminder to continue to tell people about ETO and invite them to join us! We also had several first timers on the bridge!

    The program included a report from John & Rose Bagley on their participation in the Anti-War Rally in Washington DC last weekend. Others reported on other recent lobbying efforts.

    Tom Cordaro informed us of the plans of Pledge of Resistance, a group that is preparing to engage in Non-Violent Civil Disobedience in the event a war breaks out with Iraq. Any interested in participating must receive training in non-violence. Similar actions are planned across our country. If you are interested in participating or learning more about this, speak with Tom.

    Members were also invited to participate in a Day of Prayer and Fasting on Monday, Jan 27, the day before Pres. Bush's State of the Union Speech. We are urged to find ways to witness to the fact that war is not the answer.

    Plans were made for the Saturday Vigil, no matter the weather. It was impressive to see about 30 on the bridge for the whole hour! The next Potluck will be on Feb. 28 and the Vigil on March 1. March dates are the 28th and 29th. Flash: Kevin Clark who just returned from 20 days in occupied Palestine, where he worked with the International Solidarity Movement, will be present with us on Feb. 28th. Spread the word!

    It was suggested that we post the Prayer for our Country, by Mary Southard that was used to open the meeting ~

    "God of Life, we are a nation in crisis.
    Help us to stop, be still and remember…..
    In our suffering world, we long to be
    A people of peace - generous, wise and just.

    Awaken us to the beauty and abundance of Earth
    Which nourishes us, body and soul, each day.
    Let us treasure the true gifts: life and health,
    Love and relationship, wonder and creativity.

    May our dream of "liberty and justice for all"
    Include our brothers and sisters all over the world.
    Forgive those actions of ours that have caused suffering
    To Your Earth and harm to any of Your children.

    This we know: the human heart has the capacity to
    Embrace the whole world with love and compassion.
    Evoke and nurture in us a deeper sense of our
    Oneness as a human family and Earth community.

    Give us the courage and will "To work Together to bring forth a global society founded On respect for nature, universal human rights, Economic justice and a culture of peace."

    Peace, Shalom, Salaam, Duane

    Saturday, December 28, 2002: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Friday, December 27, 2002: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington between Jefferson and Ogden).  Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Friday, November 29, 2002: 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  November 29, 2002, is the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People. The US Campaign is calling on all members of the US Campaign to organize vigils or demonstrations on Nov 29 focusing on the threat of "transfer", protection for the Palestinian people, and ending the occupation.

    Saturday, November 23, 2002: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River. 
    We are happy to report that we had about 25 out on the bridge today. The weather was sunny and warm (temperature in the mid 40's) and there were many more passers-by who expressed approval than who gave us the finger!

    Friday, November 22, 2002: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington between Jefferson and Ogden).  Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Program: Bart Beavin and I (Duane Mevis) took the liberty of inviting Dr. Michael Prior to attend the potluck and speak at 8:00 p.m. We have heard him on several occassions and have read his books. We know that he will provide an engaging, informative program for us. This would be a wonderful opportunity to invite friends to attend with you!!!

    Dr. Prior is a world-renowned scholar who heads the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at St. Mary's University College near London, England. He did some of his studies of the Bible in the Land of the Bible. Studying at Tantur, between Bethlehem and Jerusalem, he became very aware of how the Bible can be used as an instrument of oppression which led him to develop "A Moral Reading of the Bible". He has also done extensive work in the area of "The Holy Land, Zionism and the Challenge to the Church". He is author of numerous books and articles and is editor of a new journal The Journal of Holy Land Studies.
    Over 50 enjoyed the Potluck and the informative, inspiring presentation by Dr. Michael Prior. You may like to know that, thanks to the generosity of many, we were able to give him a gift of $250 for his work. Martha Reese correspondence with Holy Cross University.

    Saturday, October 26, 2002: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River. 

    Friday, October 25, 2002: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington between Jefferson and Ogden).  Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Sunday, October 6th; 6:30 p.m.; Jeff Halper; First UMC, Downers Grove

                Jeff is the Coordinator of the Israeli Committee Against Home Demolitions, will speak at First United Methodist Church in Downers Grove, 1032, Maple Ave.  Since 1967 more than 7,000 Palestinian homes on the West Bank in East Jerusalem have been demolished, leaving more than 30,000 people homeless.

        ICHAD’s goal is to halt if possible, or slow down the number of demolitions.  When homes are demolished ICHAD brings together people from Israeli peace groups, Palestinians, and internationals to rebuild some of those homes.  Jeff has an exciting, hopeful story to share.  For more details see:

    Sunday, September 29th; 3:00 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, Wheaton

    Fr. Elias Chacour, a powerful witness for peace will speak at the First Presbyterian Church in Wheaton, 715 N. Carlton Ave.  Fr Chacour was born in Upper Galilee and has written the book Blood Brothers, which details his life journey. 
    Since 1970, Fr Chacour has dedicated himself to Mar Elias Education Institutions that bring together Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Druze students, faculty and staff to provide an education that will lead to useful work.  Through seven schools, some 4,000 young people from 70 towns and villages throughout the Holy Land are receiving the kind of learning that advances real hope and consequently, the possibility for peace.
    All are invited to hear this most inspiring witness and to join the efforts to organize a “Pilgrims of Ibillin” chapter.  For more details see:

    Sunday, September 29th; 11:00 AM to 6:00 PM; All Out For Palestine - Chicago

    Saturday, September 28, 2002: 16:00 - 20:00; Take Back The Night; Naperville

    Laila's report

    Take Back The Night Display
    Laila, Tom, and Sharon staffing the information table.

    Saturday, September 28, 2002: 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    The regular Noon bridgil will be preceeded by a program to be held at the Wesley United Methodist Church in downtown Naperville beginning at 10:00 AM. Bishop Joseph Sprague, leader of the Northern Illinois Conference of the United Methodist Church, will speak and conduct a forum on World Peace.  After the program, we will walk to the bridge.

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Friday, September 27, 2002: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington between Jefferson and Ogden).  Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Saturday, August 31; 4-6 PM; Fourth Presbyterian Church, Chicago

    Speaker: Rev. Fahed Abu-Akel, Moderator of the Presbyterian Church (USA), will address:

    August 26-30, 2002: Nationwide Week of District Visits

    Join in a nationwide week of calls or visits to Congressional Representatives while they are in their districts.

    Saturday, August 24, 2002: Noon - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Friday, August 23, 2002: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington between Jefferson and Ogden).  Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Sunday, July 28, 2002: 3:00 PM - 5:30 PM: Church Education Summit on Palestine

    Saturday, July 27, 2002: Noon - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Friday, July 26, 2002: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington between Jefferson and Ogden).  Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Saturday, July 13, 2002: 11:00 AM: Vigil at Caterpillar in Peoria

    From this evening's meeting, the tentative plan is for a vigil in Peoria with Michael and Cliff on Saturday, July 13, 2002 at 11:00 am at Caterpillar headquarters. Duane offered to contact the walkers on their cell (1-312-933-8986) to confirm their arrival in Peoria and vigil meeting time on Saturday, and then update ETO on the details.

    It would be great to get a few cars together and caravan there/back for the vigil. If you are interested in leaving from Naperville area, please contact Laila at, or we'll see you there!

    See the photographs of the vigil.

    Sunday, July 7, 2002: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington between Jefferson and Ogden).  Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.  This is a special occasion honoring the CPT walk/vigil from Chicago (Boeing) to Peoria (Caterpillar).

    Saturday, June 29, 2002: Noon - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River. Join us and bring a friend. Quite warm (mid 80's). Some new people joined.

    Friday, June 28, 2002: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington between Jefferson and Ogden). Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship. Taste the world's best hummus. Join us and bring a friend. Michael Levin and Michael Goode, a CPT member, spoke of their trips to the Middle East.

    May 31 - June 2, 2002: Organizers Conference: Chicago

    Announcement.  Registration Form.  Logistics.  Report

    Saturday, May 25, 2002: Noon - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  Join us and bring a friend.  Cold for May (~50 degrees F) and overcast.  About 30 people showed up.

    Friday, May 24, 2002: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington between Jefferson and Ogden).  Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

    May 18, 2002; Douglass Cassel: Public Forum: 1:00 PM: College of DuPage

    Monday, April 29, 2002: 7:30 PM: Anderson Chapel, North Park University

    Leila Shahid and Shulamit Aloni: "Women Peacemakers in a Time of Israeli-Palestinian Crisis" - $10.00.
    3225 W. Foster Avenue, Chicago, (773) 244-5786

    Sunday, April 28, 2002: 2:30 PM: Public Program, Unity Temple, Oak Park

    Leila Shahid and Shulamit Aloni: "Women Peacemakers in a Time of Israeli-Palestinian Crisis", 875 Lake Street, Oak Park.  Donation requested.

    Sunday, April 28, 2002: Noon: Walk for Peace in the Middle East, Oak Park

    Saturday, April 27, 2002: Noon - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  Report.

    Friday, April 26, 2002: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington between Jefferson and Ogden).  Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Sunday, April 7, 2002: 7:30 PM: Viking Hall, North Park University

    Robert Fisk: "9/11: Ask who did it,but for heaven's sake, don't ask why".

    Saturday, March 30, 2002: Day of fasting for the Palestinian suffering.

    Saturday, March 23, 2002: Noon - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Friday, March 22, 2002: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington between Jefferson and Ogden).  Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.



    Saturday February 23, 2002: Noon - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  Join us and bring a friend.
    30 vigilers, 45 degrees with a strong wind on the bridge.  Lots of traffic and signs of approval from autos.

    February 21 and 22, 2002: Raja Shehadeh to Present Lecture-Discussions in Chicago

    "Strangers in the House: Reflections on the Relation of Human Rights and Politics in Palestine and Israel"

    Wednesday, February 20. 2002: NATIONAL DAY OF SOLIDARITY

    With Muslim, Arab and South Asian Immigrants.

    Sunday, February 17, 2002: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington between Jefferson and Ogden).  Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.  Tom Cordaro presided.

    Saturday January 26, 2002: Noon - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  Join us and bring a friend.
    31 vigilers attended on a sunny, mild, winter day  There were no counterdemonstrators.

    Friday January 25, 2002: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church, 21 E. Franklin (one block east of Washington between Jefferson and Ogden).  Bring a dish to share, paper plates, and tableware and enjoy the feast and fellowship.  Taste the world's best hummus.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Good attendance, good food.

    Monday January 7, 2002: 7:30 PM: Community Education Event

    Title: The Epiphany in Bethlehem: The Plight of Palestinian Christians Living Under Occupation

    Location: First Congregational Church, 25 East Benton St. in Naperville.

    Speaker: Mr. Ray Hanania is the founder of the National Association of Arab American Journalists and the Chicago Association of Arab American Journalist and Communicators which is dedicated to elevating professionalism in Arab and Muslim American journalism and media.  His writings are published in newspapers throughout the Middle East.  He is the author of several books including "I'm Glad I Look Like a Terrorist: Growing Up Arab in America", a collection of essays exploring the sensitive subject of racial profiling and ethnicity in America.  Mr. Hanania served as national president of the Palestinian American Congress in 1995-96, and serves on the national board.  He was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize for a four-part series on Palestinian treatment under Israeli occupation in 1991 (Chicago Sun-Times).

    A very successful talk. Attendance was approximately 70 persons.

    Friday December 28, 2001: Noon - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River in solidarity with the women's peace groups in Israel. They have called for an international involvement as they did in June which was the reason we started the demonstrations on the bridge. In June over 50 cities world wide responded and we were one of them.  Join us and bring a friend.

    Twenty people showed up and endured a strong wind and 20 degree temperatures to deliver our "End The Occupation" message.  5,000 people attended the vigil on a warm sunny day in Jerusalem.

    Saturday December 22, 2001: Noon - 1:00 PM: Bridge Vigil

    Vigil in downtown Naperville on the Washington Street bridge over the DuPage River.  It was a busy day in downtown Naperville.  Parking was tight and there was a strong wind and cold rain.  Approximately 40 vigilers attended.

    Friday December 21, 2001: 7:00 - 9:00 PM: Ethnic Potluck

    Wesley United Methodist Church.  The main topic was a spirited discussion of the goals and key points of the coalition and the advisability of rewriting the key points to attract a wider membership.

    A Brief History:

    The Naperville "End The Occupation" coalition had its beginning on June 8, 2001, the 34th year of Israel's occupation of the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem.  Some concerned friends decided to express solidarity with the Israeli peace group "Women In Black", who called for demonstrations in 100 cities around the world.

    Several of the organizers had traveled to Israel and the West Bank and had witnessed the settlements, check points, by-pass roads, and home demolitions.  A group in Wesley United Methodist Church is partnered with a family in Hebron whose home is threatened with demolition so they are kept abreast of the oppressive situation there.

    The small group of organizers was delighted to have 30 appear on the Washington Street Bridge in Naperville for the very first vigil on June 8th - including a number of Arab Americans! It was decided they wanted to learn to know each other better and strategize together, so the pattern of having a potluck on the night before the vigil was born.  The group has continued to grow and includes a very diverse group of supporters.  Between 25 and 50 attend the potlucks and a similar number join the vigils.

    They are committed to continue their activities until the occupation is ended and peace and justice are restored.

    The agreed upon purposes of the group are to:

    1. experience and express solidarity,
    2. provide consciousness raising opportunities,
    3. facilitate political action, and
    4. provide educational experiences for the community.

    "Never doubt that a small group
    of thoughful and committed citizens
    can change the world,
    it's the only thing
    that ever has."

    Margaret Mead

    by Rev. Duane Mevis