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Letter: The Naperville Sun

Reader abhors swastika painted on family's lawn

  I am writing to respond to the family who had their front lawn destroyed by the painting of a swastika this past week. I want them to know that there are many of us here in Naperville that abhor such hateful, senseless acts, and that we are ashamed that they have had to suffer such indignity.

   This can only be the act of someone who isn't mature enough to be aware of history and the tremendous amount of evil and hurt that this symbol represents. There is absolutely no excuse for such insensitivity to be displayed here in Naperville, or anywhere.

   I hope that this family can find it in their hearts to forgive such an ignorant act, and that they can get on with their lives and be able to put this awful gesture behind them. My prayer is that the perpetrator will somehow, someday, come to understand the cruelty and futility of such a despicable act.

 Rose Bagley,
 for Pax Christi DuPage,
