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Gamal Abdel Nasser led a nationalist movement in 1952 that ousted the Egyptian monarchy and transformed Egypt into a republic. Nasser became leader of Egypt in 1954 and subsequently negotiated an end to Britain’s 72-year occupation of Egypt. Nasser was elected president of Egypt in 1956 and remained in office until his death in 1970. His accomplishments included the construction of the Aswān High Dam, the institution of land reforms and a program of industrialization, and the restoration of Egyptian self-government. Nasser also pursued policies of Arab unity and socialism.


Egyptian President Anwar al-Sadat, left, shakes hands with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin at the signing of a peace treaty in Washington, D.C., in 1979. United States President Jimmy Carter, center, helped negotiate the treaty between Egypt and Israel by bringing the two leaders together at Camp David, Maryland, in 1978.


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