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Get Involved!

Below are some ways that you can get involved in Notre Dame's theater program. If you are interested in a particular category, talk to a board member or e-mail No experience is necessary for any category. When help is needed, we will refer to the list of people who signed up for each category.
Lighting - Lighting Crews are needed for every play, musical, and assembly, as well as for Mr. NDA and for Cabarat Night. Bryan Hermsen is running lights this year, so you can talk to him if you're interested in learning about lighting.
Costumes - Costumes are needed for every play. Those interested can help find, design, or sew costumes.

Set Construction - Every play needs a set, and we are always in need of people to help make them. Set Designers are needed, but also people that can help build the set after it is designed. Safety precautions are taken, and all saw-work is done by those with experience.

Publicity - Publicity Crews are needed for every event. This includes poster designing/printing, and some creative methods of publicizing our shows. We also always need someone to be in charge of publicity.
Scripts - For every play drama club produces, a script must be chosen far in advance. All are welcome to submit suggestions for future shows.
Props - Props are a large part of every stage show. We have an inventory of standard props, and most scripts have a prop list in the back. For each show, the props crew makes a list of props that are still needed, then borrows or buys the props.
Running Crew - backstage hands are needed for plays and for Cabaret Night.
Makeup - Makeup crews start the week before the performance and help at dress rehersals and performances.

(see lists of people who already signed up)


Friday, Dec. 19 -- Christmas Play Performance for Grade Schoolers.


Current Production


Club Projects


Meeting Minutes


Annual Productions


About Drama Club


The Executive Board

Co-Moderator: Mr. Steven Stary
Co-Moderator: Mrs. Kelly Grelecki
President: Kyle Fay
Board Member: Bryan Hermsen
Board Member: Kelly Karls
Board Member: Colleen Riordan
External Publicity

Senior Class Rep: Shawn Connelly
Junior Class Rep: Gina Bortel
Internal Publicity
Sophomore Class Rep:
Amanda Fay
Freshman Class Rep: Erinn Hermsen

Business for next Board Meeting

Club Trip
Club Members
Spring Play



- site last updated 11/02/03 -

Contact Bryan Hermsen by e-mail with questions or information regarding this webpage.
Pictures can be posted if they are e-mailed in a compatible format, such as .jpg or .tif