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Welcome To The Jones's Website

Hi! I'm Tina Jones. My family and I would like to welcome you to our website. We hope you enjoy your visit to our site, let others know they are welcome to come and view it, and to feel free to come back whenever you and they choose. Below will be our email address, you can leave comments there about our site if you choose, or if you have any questions.

Family Shot 2004

l-r Nathan,Johannah,Johnathan,Tina Jones2004

I bet your wondering what you'll find, well let me give you a few hints, and some links so you can find out. Well there will be a guest book to view or sign or even do both, message board to post on, maybe a chat room, which I'll be there on occassions to chat with. Free to join my site if you like, and plenty of fun and memorable photo's to view. That's all the hints I can give, but in order to find out more just click on any of the links below to see what else you may find. Also, below are some of my favorite links of some of my favorite sites to visit, hope you can as well.
My Favorite Sites

Get Messenger and more

Play Games

Find some of Carol's poems here

My Home Business

Find Happy Pens


Carol's Website Check it out

My continuation of this site

Enjoyable things to be able to Link, and find other exciting things

Well I hope you enjoyed coming and visiting my family and I website.

Please Come Again

Thank You Tina