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  April 7, 2004

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MailBox: Read Mail
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From:  "Lycos Mail" <> [add to address book] [protect or block sender]
Subject:  Welcome to Lycos Mail!
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Hi diaa elzain !
We have created an email account for you at Lycos Mail and you are ready to receive emails at

To make the most of your Lycos Mail account, here are some things that you can do to get started:

Import your address book
If you have addresses already stored in Outlook, Eudora, or some other file, import your addresses into Lycos Mail using our import tool.

Tell your friends about your new address
Get 250 business cards with your new email address.

Forward your old email to your new address
If you have an existing POP mail account (e.g. from an ISP), you can set up your new account to automatically get your mail from that account every time you log in.

Set up your electronic signature
Want to advertise your contact information, like phone number or company name? You can do it by customizing your Signature.

Get Lycos Messenger
Our new Lycos Messenger lets you stay connected with your friends from AOL and MSN AND to keep up to date with news, weather, sports, stocks, etc that are personalized with your My Lycos settings. Its easy to use and your Lycos Mail email address is your Lycos Messenger login.

We look forward to serving your mail for many years to come.

- The Lycos Mail Team

As a thank you for registering for Lycos Mail, you have the opportunity to receive a genuine Tonka Truck, beloved by children and collectors alike. Claim your reward at Lycos Rewards!

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