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They have returned from space

I have been to China two weeks ago (during the Moon Festival) and I felt the same way I did the first time I saw it. The progress in China is in the pace of a bullet train. They have everything: every food, hardware, gadget, infrastructure, and every item a man can think of, that is. You don't have to invent anything. Just walk along a mile of a specialized commercial town and you will find what you have in mind. Due to the availability of the thousand products they sell, one store in a commercial block for example sell only one specific type of product but in thousands of varieties. No wonder, the Chinese have made it in space and come back home safely. It's a milestone in their history!

The food in Guangzhou is the best I have tasted all my life. No best Chinese restaurant in the Philippines can equal the good taste of food in the smallest turo-turo in China. To tease your taste buds look at the actual picture below which was just my breakfast everyday. Our shortest meal in China would take around two hours to finish. People there enjoy food and the activity of eating itself.


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