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I keep doing it. I keep winning! I mean, isn't it great that I'm currently undefeated here in NWA-TNA?! Well.....I think so, at least. Not many people do, but I sure do. Who cares how I win? I don't. A win is a win is a win. Granted, I don't think I'll have any problems winning on Xplosion this week. I face that chick Phoenix. I have a great deal of respect for her. It's just....well, I'm going to have to beat her. As much as I respect her and as much as I like watching her, I'm going to have to defeat her to move on in the women's tournament. And trust me, I'll do whatever it takes to beat her so I can get one step closer to winning MY women's title. Yes, I said MY women's title. I mean, you might as well engrave my name on it right now. That's how confident I am that I'll win it. I simply can't lose.

You wanna know why I won't lose? It's simple. I've got skill. I know that Phoenix has skill, but you've got to think that those flotation devices attached to her chest might hinder her performance. I mean, they're just going to knock her out cold if she tries for something simple like a running elbow. My GOD. Maybe instead of spending so much money paying her boys off to keep them from leaving her silicone ass, she should spend it on getting a breast reduction or something. Or maybe (just maybe) she could try some type of surgery where her breasts will actually look real! Giving that a try might improve her performance when she faces me. I just hope I don't pop one of her implants when I give her some Rough Sex.

The scene closes in on a small locker room at the site of XPlosion. Dawn Marie is seen doing jumping jacks in front of a television monitor. She is wearing a white sports bra and black workout pants as she jumps up and down on the black padded floors barefoot. Her hair is in a ponytail and is bobbing behind her. She suddenly stops doing her jumping jacks and just glares at the monitor, seeing Phoenix win her tournament match against Nidia. A sly smirk forms on Dawn's face as she takes three steps towards the monitor. She pressed the "Power" button, turning the monitor off. Her grin stays perfectly in tact as she turns away from the monitor. She walks towards a bench and sits down on it. Dawn rests her elbows on her knees, forming a teepee with her fingers and thumbs. She sighs and begins speaking to herself.

   "Oh don't know what you've just done. The obvious answer would be A) Won your match. That's true. But wait! There's more! You've also : B) Beaten somebody who has less talent than Clay Aiken's pinky finger. and C) Signed your execution date for this coming Wednesday at XPlosion. So the correct answer would be D) Moved on to the next round to face ME, Dawn Marie. Now, most people wouldn't see this as much of a treat. But you should. I mean, I've got my eyes set on my women's title and I'm not going to let some fake-breasted talentless ditz steal it away from me. That's why I'm not facing Trish Stratus.

I'm facing you, Phoenix. I admit, you do have talent. But you're still a fake-breasted ditz. I mean, you surround yourself with successful wrestlers and why? So YOU might be able to feel the least bit successful personally? Please! Like people accused me of, you're obviously trying to leech off of the success of others. What do you have to prove that you're successful? A win against some depressing gothic wannabe? And now, you've got a win against a "gangsta" tramp. Nice achievements! I just hope you give your plastic surgeon a call before our match to make sure an implant doesn't pop when I drop you to the mat.

But enough about you. Let's talk about me. Why am I so confident that I'll win? Well, I'm not going to be worrying about an implant popping. I'm all natural. I don't have to worry about breaking a nail. I don't even have to worry about if a group of five guys will come down to help me beat one woman. All I have to worry about is proving to you that I can beat you as I make my way to the finals of the women's tournament and earn my women's title. But until Wednesday, you're just going to have to wonder."

Dawn Marie laid down on the bench and closed her eyes, smiling to herself as vision of dropkicks danced in her head. Fade to black.