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a.k.a GOD

Ode To Bowie

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"I don't know how many times people have come up to me and said 'let's dance!' I hate dancing .. it's stupid." - David Bowie

"I'm looking for backing for an unauthorized auto-biography that I am writing. Hopefully, this will sell in such huge numbers that I will be able to sue myself for an extraordinary amount of money and finance the film version in which I will play everybody."- David Bowie

"Any list of advice I have to offer to a muscian always ends with, If it itches, go and see a doctor." - David Bowie on getting an honary degree from Boston's Berklee College of Music

"I'm an instant star; just add water." - David Bowie

"I'm still younger than Jagger... Most people are." - David Bowie

"Sometimes when I'm at a McDonalds, I wait until nobody is looking, and then I stick my hand inside the straw dispenser and touch all the straws" COB secrets

"I just adore Jackass!" - Late Night With Conan O' Brian

"Some people say I killed the seventies. I didn't kill the seventies. As far as I am concerned, the seventies were already dead. I mearly helped clear the bodies." - VH1 Storytellers

"I think rock music should be tarted up, made into a prostitute."

"God thinks he's all that and a bag of chips."

"Fuck you! I changed the world! Kiss my ass!"

"Before me, all they had was jesus"

“I've always been very chauvinistic, even in my boy-obsessed days. But I was always a gentleman. I alwaysd treated my boys like real ladies. Always escorted them properly and, in fact, I suppose if I were a lot older--like 40 or 50--I'd be a wonderful sugar daddy to some little queen down in Kensington. I'd have a houseboy named Richard to order around.”-David Bowie
