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Daos' Biopages


Before you sits an ancient and powerful tome with a purple cover and arcane markings.  Instantly you recognize it from myth and is the legendary Book of Mana.  Carefully, but anxiously, you open the book.  What secrets could it hold?  Unknown magics?  Long forgotten lore?  The truth about Amtar's creation and the gods that control it?  No, none of those things.  Instead, it holds the accounts and life-stories of several individuals.  Some are famous and known throughout the world of Amtar...and some you have never heard of before.  But here you can read all about them, follow their stories, and see how they end.  Curiosity overwhelming you, you slowly turn the page and begin reading...which character do you read about first?


Active Characters
Barlemus Wharfman

Keplin Silverstar


Inactive Characters
Daos Soulstaff
Gimak Rockcrusher
Jinks Destimin


Dead Characters
Marik Gemseeker


Lost Souls:  Tales of Amtar