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Dads Domain

Happy Fathers Day Dad! I love you alot even tho you and i butt heads alot ,im still very proud to call you my dad and i hope you have a great year i will try and be a little more suttle and not so disagreable but its in my personality . I would love to be like you when im older , you are a great role model and a good person. I Love you

No matter what the all say

Quotes for my dad on fathers day

History of Fathers day

God took the strength of a mountain The majesty of a tree The warmth of a summer sun The calm of a quiet sea The generous soul of nature The comforting arm of night The wisdom of the ages The power of the eagle's flight The joy of a morning in spring The faith of a mustard seed The patience of eternity The depth of a family need Then God combined these qualities When there was nothing more to add He knew His masterpiece was complete And so He called it ... Dad