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the arena is quiet until a strange thing happens, david draiman from disturbed comes out to linkin parks sessions. the fans, although weirded out, still cheer for david who taunts the fans as he makes his way to the ring, he gets in the ring, and he grabs a mic and starts talking


yo whats up to all of my fans here tonight, and ya i know yur all wonderin why am i coming out to linkin parks music, well tonight they happen to be doin a concert here, and i thought it would be cool to show some gratitued for them coming out of their way to entertain us tonight,
the crowd cheers
anyways tonight is the royal rumble as you all know, and i am going to be a part of it, well you know im not one of the heavy favorites going into this match, i mean i have to compete against people like jaguar, ice, and the british sensation robert carter, well im going to try my hardest to kick some ass here tonight and make an impact in the match. there are probably a bunch of people who are laguhing their asses off in the back as they watch me say these things right now. well you know what go ahead and laugh all you want, cuz yur opinion dont mean a damn to me, but their are people like you fans and my gilrfriend ashley flair whose opinions do matter, cuz i think i actually have a chance at winning tonight, granted it might not be a big chance, but the chance is still there and im gonna take it, and nobody is gonna stop me, especially those who have never even given me a chance, so what if i dont do fancy promos, at least i try unlike some others who just expect to come out here and get showed respect by these fans. now i hope i have gotten my point across to everyone in the back, the people who never believed in me, and you fans here tonight. now i gotta go and get ready for the match tonight against twenty-nine other awo superstars here tonight,
the fans cheer as david makes his way to the back, but he is stopped by michael cole
david, may i ask why u said those things out there in the ring, because it sounds like you are mad about somethin.
here ill tell you why again. Im gettin really tired of people around here that are actin like they are all big and bad, so they pick on the rookies, you know that happend to me and im not gonna stand around here why other people are bullied because they are rookies and they dont know how to do much of anything yet, but my main point is, im heading into this match off of a win, and i hope i can continue winning, and i just hope that me being in the royal rumble wasnt just so that there would be thirty people in it, i hope theres a purpose to it. you know after tonight i have a strong feeling that i will walk out with something being accomplished, and one more thing before i leave, good luck to you in your match tonight rabid, i hope u win, so that way we can fight for the title after i win the rumble tonight
david then walks off leaving cole in shock.