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Welcome to Detective Challenge's Web Page!!!
Guild Rules
  1. No Spamming
  2. No Flooding
  3. Do not harass the other members
  4. You may not exchange hints, theories, advice etc when talking about the murder
  5. Have a nice time in this guild ^^. (For breaking the rules, you may be warned, de-graded or suspended).
Guild Ranks
Rank 1 Eye Witness, this is the rank for all who just joined the guild, if you would be de-graded it would be to this rank.
Rank 2 Inquirer, to get to this rank you will have to post at least one message, and be part in one contest.
Rank 3 Private Eye, post 4 messages and/or be part in one mystery challenges.
Rank 4 Detective, post 10 posts, take part in two mystery challenges and be able to solve one mystery challenge.
Rank 5 Secret Agent, post 15 messages, take part in three mystery challenges and be the one who wins one of the mystery challenges.
Brain Teaser of the week

Prize: an Angelpuss for the right answer

A man is murdered outside his skiing lodge, the outside temperature has been -10 degrees celsius for a very long time. Outside his lodge there is a forest in the back and a lake. There is a path around the lake to the hotel which lies on the opposite side of the lodge.

The murdered man took a picture of the crime scene just before he took his last breathe. There were an ashtray on the floor, magazines scattered everywhere and the coffee table is tipped over.

The picture the police took at the crime scene differs however, there are no signs of struggle, the coffe table is where it should be, the magazines are stacked neatly on the coffee table, the floor is swept and the ashtray is back where it should be, at the window. The victims pair of shoes is lying on the door mat.

There are six suspects; Suspect #1 is a woman at her early years, around 33 years old. Suspect #2 is a 23 year old man, he has an injured arm. Suspect #3 is a 45 year old man with an injured leg. Suspect #4 is a 56 year old man with an injured eye. Suspect #5 is a 89 year old man with a wooden stick. The last suspect is a cactus. Who Murdered the camera man?
You and your friends on a sightseeing tour with one of your friends from abroad. You go to different cafés and restaurants to try on the different food items the town is offering.

After drinking some coffee at the towns most popular bistro and you're about to step into the car that your friend arranged with his fathers co-worker as a driver. He suddenly pointed up into the sky and you see a body falling from the roof. It's a young Grundo who has, like the other victims strange marks around their necks and with a knife stuck through their chest. This person differs from the rest though, he has his wallet attached on the knife.

You gaze up and on the hotel roof you see a shady person as he gazes below.

To be Continued.

You run up the 10 floors of the hotel and when you reach the roof the shady person is still there. It was the hotel manager who claims that he received an anonymous phone call from someone who claimed he saw a man carrying a dead body to the roof.

When you reach the bottom floor a crowd was already gathering around the victims body. Ten minutes later the police surrounds the area and starts to ask the hotel manager some questions, he is released later in lack of evidence. You hear a faint scream as a woman in shock starts running away towards her car. Before you are able to catch her, she is able to drive away from the crime scene.

At the police station your good friend (who's father is a police officer) pursuades him to give you the name of the woman who ran off. It was a woman, age 21 and lived in the centre of the town. You receive her phonenumber and her adress. The next thing you know you're on the way to her house still in your friends car and still driven by your friends dads co-worker. Your dads co-worker decides to give her a phone call.

She tells you to hurry to her house because she knew who the culprit was and that she was soon to be killed. Then she hang up. But things doesn't go as you have planned because your friends fathers co-worker accidently drives in the wrong lane and it would at least take 30 min to drive back. You decides to rush over to her house because it would take approximately 10 min. You arrive at her appartment but only to find that noones home. You her a scream from outside, an man (in his 60's) falls back and is shaking. You rush outside as you find the woman strangled with a piece of string and stabbed with a knife.

To Be Continued

You receive a phonecall from your friends father. He has some info for the detective (that would be you). All the victims went to the same financing/marketing class 2 years ago. There are four people from the list who hasn't been killed, one of them is The nephew of the Lost Deserts Pharaoh. The rest have all different jobs, each differs a lot from eachother. One of the students seems to have been dead for 2 years. Another one of the students is a convicted assassin, though noone have heard of him since he got released from state prison 2 weeks ago.

You believe that he is the one who did this and goes to the assassins lair (which is located near smugglers cove on krawk island). When you arrive it seems like he is handcuffed around one of the house's carrying beams. It also seems that he hasn't been fed in a week or so.

After the assassin has been arrested you take another glance at the old class photo that the police station sent you. After this, you know who know who did this and quickly call the police cheif and ask him to gather all of the suspects. You know know how the real culprit is.

Do you know who did this? This is the last story plot, after a week the solution is added, if you know who did this please neomail cr2sh with writing who did this, why and how. You can buy hints from one of our Eye Witnesses in our shops buying Hairy Tashes or Luscious Lips, the different prizes means that there are different levels of evidence.