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  :: CLaN News:

Clan (DB) iS a very new clan. For everything To Join Go To Channel: Clan DeadlyBrood !

Site is Still Under Construction

  Page Production written by: RaShon Date (Wed June 11th )
Tonight im going to work on This site til most of it is complete.Might Take me about a week But ill have everything up and then we can start recruiting.

  News written by: RaSh on Wed, June 11th
I will be posting news everyday so stay tuned.
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Clan Info
Name: Clan DeadLyBroOd
Purpose:Friendly Gamers
Ranks: Unresolved
TrainingSystem: Yes
AIM: CyrisTed
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Some What
im Gosu ^^
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© 2002-2003 CLaN DeadLyBroOd