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< The (Not So) Heroes >< Music >< Message Board >< A Story About Us >< Links >< Pictures >

Welcome to Captain Stu's and his sidekick K.D's website! This website is about crap, meaning music, about us, pictures and general pap like that, oh, and movies as well. Hehehe. Our page was dipped in radioactive waste, as you can see. So, look around, we'll be adding stuff, quite a lot of stuff, like pictures of us at work, doing what we do best, absolutely nothing!

Oh, and you can slag off Liam Harris whenever you like, and when you do, at the end of your message, you must include this face:

 O        O

This is because Liam has a monobrow, and he shaves it. But he doesn't like when we tell anyone, but we're telling you because he is a bum cloud. Yeah, a, erm, bum cloud.