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You May Be A Fat Couch Potato Slob if......


I Myself do fall into some of these catagories... there for I will not deny I am a Couch Potato slob, but I am not fat.


1. You Won Most Pessimistic at your senior banquet, when really you are not at all.

2. Still love to brag about your girlfriend from 3 years ago.

3. Think you know more about everything.

4. If you "know" enough people that you can tell people you know this one guy who.....(Fill in blank with any type of bullshit story)

5. If you spend waay to many good hours playing videogames.

6. If you do the 5 knuckle shuffle to Star Wars more than once a week.

7. If you do the 5 knuckle shuffle to Lord Of The Rings more than once a week.

8. If you do the 5 knuckle shuffle more than 10 times in one week.

9. If Your British and proud.

10. If you claim you would love to smoke weed with Snoop when we all know you can barely spell weed let alone smoke it.

11. If the girl stated in #2 is somehow hotter than any other girl your friends hook up with.

12. If you mack on 12 year olds.

13. If you go with a friend to an Nsync concert and then have the balls to criticize other peoples taste of music.

14. If you can pour A&W Root Beer better than anyone at LJS.

15. If your nickname is Stats.

16. If you resemble the person in this photo.