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"I could still remember the first time we danced several years ago, though it only seemed like yesterday. I knew then you were special. As we slipped into the dance, I knew I would not forget you. Nor would I forget this special moment we spent together. So till this day I await, for that special moment to befall us once more. For you and I to slip once again, Into an unforgettable Endless Waltz."

Corprol Kamui Corbin

"History is much like an Endless Waltz......the Three beats of War, Peace, and Revolution continue on forever" Mariemaia Kushrenada

The facts

The real story

History: He was born of a simple military family. His dad was a Helicopter pilot. The AH-64 Apache to be exact. His mom was a simple house wife which did everything she could around the house. He was the 1st of three childern. His smaller sister though surpassed him by becoming one of the most popular girls in school. She was only five seconds younger. The youngest was his little brother which is only three. Now, his dad is retired but still flys helicopters. His mom is sitting at their home..sewing things. He himself was in the military in Army Special Ops. but now works at St. Imation Private School as security. His twin sister is working at a desk job for a top modeling company. And his little brother is in college. This was his story..and that is that.



THe things I like are as follows: Helping people, cleaning my guns and such, meeting new people, teaching something to someone, and thats about it.


I dislike: Mean and inconsiderate people, anti-weapons people, anti-war people, and anything such as this.