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Wednesday, 31 December 2003
"I have three pets"

Sammy: Sam is my dog. He is the prettiest boxer dog you have ever saw. He is so funny. Sometimes he sticks his tounge out. And sometimes he snores when he sleeps. We call him the human dog.

Saddie: Saddie is my other dog. He is old and weak. He is a poor dog. I have to give him pain releiver. I hope he can last. Saddie was the first dog I have ever owned. She is a miniture colly.

King Friday: Yes, I know that is a weird name. King Friday is my cat. He likes to slobber all over your clothes and get you wet. It is nasty! Every time you want to cuddle with him, he sucks on you. King Friday is a beautiful tabby.

Toasty: Toasty died a year ago. He was my favorite cat. He was kinda like a dog. You would call his name, and he would hop up in your lap. He purred so load. I miss him. :-(

Posted by hero/chloedev at 10:01 PM EST
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My Family
Phoebe: This is my mom. She earns money by organizing emails. And sometimes she helps people with their computer problems. My mom does get crazy sometimes. She cries alot. LOL! But I love her anyway.

Andy: This is my dad. He does not live with me anymore since him and my mom broke up. I see him every other weekend. He has a girlfriend now, and her name is Lisa. I guess she is nice. She helps my dad out because he has multiple schorosas. He has trouble getting around. But he still has the energy to manage his job. He is a plumber. I do not know what I would do without him. I always was a daddy's girl.

Melinda (Leelee): Every one in the house likes to call my grandmother Leelee. My gradmother does not work. She usually sits around at home all day and wash dishes and washes our clothes. She is a big help. Though, she does complain alot! I do not get along with her very well. She bosses me around and tells me to do stuff alot. But, deep down inside, I love her.

Tristan: Tristan is my sister. She is 16 now and two months ago, she got her license. She drives me to alot of places I need to be now. She works part time at breadworks. She also babysitts sometimes. She plays the flute for her highschool. For school she goes to Manual YPas. She is very bright and intelligent. She plays softball like I do. We are both very into the game. We have fights every once and a while, but not usually. We do alot with each other, and keep each other entertained.

Daniel: Danial is my brother. He does not live with us anymore. He went off to colege in Lexington, Kentucky. He visits my family sometimes. But I still barely see him. He likes to run off with his friends. He is a ping pong champ in his school. LOL! He works for Papa Johns Pizza. He delivers pizzas.

"That's the main part of my family"

Posted by hero/chloedev at 9:51 PM EST
Updated: Wednesday, 31 December 2003 10:07 PM EST
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Tuesday, 30 December 2003
click on him

Posted by hero/chloedev at 5:52 PM EST
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Monday, 29 December 2003
10 Facts About Chloe
1.My real first name is actually Melinda. :-/

2.If you scramble around "Melinda Chloe DeVore" you can get "Overloaded Chile Men". :-)

3.Chloe means: the greek godess of grass. :-D

4.I have never kissed a boy. :-X

5.I eat my pizza backwards. :-P

6.I fall alot which is embaressing. :-0

7.I have many nick names including: "Slow Cloe", "Sloe", and "Clover". B-)

8.One time I laughed so hard I wet myself. :-(

9.I do silly things like dance while i play the piano. :-P

10.Usually before I go to sleep, I watch the movie, "Holes". :-/

Posted by hero/chloedev at 5:38 PM EST
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If you would like to see the rest of Chloe's website then you should click the dates to the top left in the red area. And if you would like to speek to Chloe about her website then you can email her at Only email Chloe if you have something to say about her website. Chloe hates forwards and has no time to read them. Thanks, Angelfire.

Posted by hero/chloedev at 5:02 PM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 30 December 2003 6:45 PM EST
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Were you thinking about leaving? Don't! This website has more. Use your head.

Posted by hero/chloedev at 4:29 PM EST
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Who is Chloe?
Im a 13 year old girl from Louisville Kentucky.

Posted by hero/chloedev at 4:24 PM EST
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