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Help me build my Dream

This is all the stuff we will need to buy to make a paintball field

This is the first step to a good field
This is next on the list
and a trailer to store all of the stuff

With all of that stuff that puts us at $2,300, with the other 200 we would buy obsticles and hire workers, and once we do that hopefully we will have a field going.

Hello visitor, Thank you for visiting my site. I am 14yrs old and i like to do paintball but i have to drive an hour just to get to the nearest place. My parents hate driving me so i end up shooting at a piece of wood in my backyard. I live with very little money and the money i have i use to play paintball. With your donation you would be helping me and my friends build a paintball field for everyone to play on. We have very little money raised from lemonade stands. Our goal is $2,500. So far we have about $143. If we reach our goal we can buy the saftey equipment, guns, and other needed items. Hopefully you find this a good cause so if you could send as little money as you can, it all adds up in the end. Thank you, again.