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It's time they said
To let her go
This child of mine
They've come to know
They tried so hard
to make her well
But all the while
Her stat's just fell
She had more tube's
then ever before
Her serious condition
I could not ignore
I knew Nelle's life
would soon be over
My only request was
could I hold her
She laid in my arms
so peaceful and at rest
I know in my heart
I did what was best
I look in her face
and no longer see pain
I knew from that look
that Jesus just came
With Loved ones around us
She passed through the light
For two yrs. & 10 days
she made my life bright
I'll see her again in heaven I know
But it's still very hard, letting her go
It isn't easy saying
I miss you so much
It's so hard
I Cry
Love MOM!!!


My Mommy wrote this poem for me
It is so hard for her you see..
I know she misses me and loves me still
But for me to stay was not God's will.

It has been two years now since I've been gone
Please remember the good things mom.
I love you so much, I know you love me too
But we will be together again, when this world is Through.

I can run and jump and play
And no tubes stand in my way.
I am at peace now and things are fine
I am so sorry I left you behind..

Please mom just live for me since I was not allowed
Just look up to the sky and know that I am on that cloud
The one that stands out from the rest high up in the sky
And when you know that I am near,, Please try not to cry,,

So dry your tears and live for me,
I love you my sweet mommy.
I am your angel, I am in your thoughts
Because of your memories, I will never be lost.






This page was made by Angel Fran on

behalf of Angel GrammaL and the Angel Dates cloud,

Heavens Angels.




As a final note, I have to say, This page gave me

many tears.. Dear Cheanelle, you are so loved.