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Chris Baines

The Blue Bolt



Power Pool:
Super Speed

Medieval Weapons (Bo Staff), Super Agility

5' 11"



Omega Force

Current OF Roster:





Absolute Zero

The Blue Bolt

White Tigress


Miss Mind


The Omega Force at Paragon City Forums

The Omega Force at City of Heroes

The Man who Touches Light Speed

It Was Just A Bad Day...

During his college years, Chris was interested in the diverse field of physics which later grew to an intrest in quantum mechanics. While working with his professor during the summer, Chris was asked to pick up a mini superconductor and bring it to the lab in the rain. Regretfully he agreed, but soon realized that this was an opportune time to see fist-hand how this machine really worked. So, before he set out he plugged it in and turned the machine on. After observing it for a couple of minutes, he decided to unplug it and continue with his task, not realizing that superconductors can still function while unplugged. On his way to the laboratory, he felt a stange sensation, and the hairs on the back of his neck began to stand up. Suddenly a huge bolt of lightning stuck him, caused by the field the conductor was giving off. When Chris came to he was in the hospital, dazed and surrounded by strange people. A doctor there told him that he was hit by lighning, but did not sustain any injuries. What was even stranger was that his CAT scans show that his brain was functioning at twice the normal capacity and rising! When asked who the stange men were, the doc said they were some people from Crey Industries who want to ask him some questions. In the already confused state he was in, Chris made a break for it. It was then he realized that while he ran, everything turned red and moved a lot slower than he was. He felt that the only person who could help him was his professor. Having agreed to help him, the professor ran various tests and concluded that his mind had learned to push his body into a faster time-wave, and everything he sees turns red because they are "red shifting" on a slower wave. Consquently, everyone else sees him as blue because he's "blue shifted" to a faster wave. The professor also stated some bad news: Chris's mind was getting so powerful that he was going crazy with the constant information fro the outside world and, if it cant be stopped or slowed, he could lose complete control and die. Chris and the professor tried to think of any scientific procedure that would help, but were no able to. It was then that Chris found himself asking for the help of a mysterious foreigner who not only significanty slowed the advancement of his mind through meditation, but also showed a way to channel his power through certain martial arts techniques. This training took the rest of his college life to complete. During that time he grew partial to the staff, and constructed from his designs, made while he was going mad with ideas, a special collapsable staff which could easily be hidden from view. After graduating early, he heard though various sources that Paragon City needed some heroes to aid in its reconstruction and decided he would be of better use over there than in some laboratory making measurements.