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Angel fire is a bunch of crap so I will just code by hand because I am that damn good.
Anyway this site is just for hosting my replays and maybe a rant or something so just sit down and shuttap. I don't care if it isn't flashy or any shit like that. I get limited bandwidth so filling it up with a bunch of pictures and goodies would piss me off. Enjoy the replays, most are entertaining.


May 22nd

Sorry for the lack of games, No one wanted to play. Between Adam having a shitty computer, and Damein's bad luck, I had no games. BUT NOW I HAVE 2 HOORAY!
Enter : Victor: Victor decided to join the game but he is an ultra newb, he had no hero when I had 2. Lets just say, The winner is quite obvious. OO YA OO YA!
Ninja:Adam Got mad at the last game and decided to 1vs1 me. Big mistake. I was like "ok" but I actually meant YEAH RIGHT so I flipped out with an archmage and destroyed his gold mine economy. But Adam battles back. Luckily a stupid thing happening in my base was holding me back because I was stockpiling back at my base. Footies versus Grunts, who wins? I don't know, but all I know is that I pwned. See this back and forth battling which guarantees fun.

April 27th

since Damien was too tired I played a quick game against Adam.
Adam gets harassed, sexily?Adam grabs the Humans while I random Orc. I decide to fast tech to the max while harassing with my Farseer. Well anyway my harassment goes well but adam decides that he needs to go stop this crap and wounds my heros. I decide to go creeping but get interupted by his forces. I lose BOTH heros and have a handfull of units left. Can I bust out of this jam or will I get my first lost against Adam? FIND OUT!

April 26th

Heres a handfull of replays of Damein versus me and Damein vs Adam
Damein gets pwned: Damein dies...I get a nice variety of units and I lose my Mountain King. Oh well, I kicked ass in the end :)
Harassment of the sexy: I sexily harass Dameins base until he just stays there to cry. I later get master Witch doctors, Shamans and Upgraded taurens to take on Dameins weiner force of NE units. Great micro of harassment.
Undead take charge: Damein chooses the Rascally Nightelves and I random undead. I get mass ghouls and some necros for support. Not very interesting but the micro was very good for the hero assasination, so watch it anway.
Damein Vs. AdamTwo n00bs battle it out. Talking of shit occured. Most funniest line was "thx for the exp" by Damein. I won't spoil the end but you might want to fast forward the game. Also note that Adam creeps strongest creeps with weak army -_-.

April 21st

All I have is a short game of me owning adam. :D
Metro PwnShort and sweet replay of what I mean by Micro > Mass. 4 units take on about 10 units and obliterate the opposition. Later even more mass loses to well placed micro. Lots of action check it out! Decent game by Adam (undead) Me (Nightelf).

April 19th

Played a few 2v2 games with Damein. Currently 1-1 here are the reps:
We lose Me and Damein draw Human and orc. I try to rush but Damein wasn't ready. some parts it was a rape (ne destruction) but teal human ruined the fun. Decent death I guess. It was against the comp.
We win! Me and Damein get Human's and I go master preists + sorcs + Arch Mage + Footmen and I kicked ass. TONS of action. totally awesome, check it out. Damein almost dies but I save his ass once again!
Doug Owns CPU againMy on going battle between the computer and myself continues as I draw Humans and I fight Orcs again. What a rape! Sexy Arch Mage micro! sorcs and footies! all here along with a decent early game build. Watch this replay folks and improve on it, remember to have your production buildings on a hot key (I keep mine on 5)
Damien improves: Damien improves in this match between him and the computer. He picks Human and the computer random's Night elves. Damien puts up a...uh little fight against the Ne force then he dies. Late to production too much focus on economy!

April 15th

Ne vs Ne: Adam does very very well in this game actually. He manages to make more units, and even kill my hero once! Although his great numbers fall due to my unit selection and moonwell usage, I thought this was a good game And I thought I would actually die to mass! Take note of the sexy Demon hunter micro before he dies.
Adam masses ghouls: Adam masses ghouls and gets a lich with frost armor, a decent selection actually because human's usually get alot of footmen. Anyway Lich is better if you get frost nova. I get a Paladin for fun and I get footmen and casters for sexy micro. Adam sends wave after wave of ghouls while my smaller number of footmen take down the undead threat.
Adam Gets pwned #1 As you can see by the title I pwned adam in the match.
Damien Dies Simple match, Damien Turtles then dies.
Computer Dies to mass Micro.This match which was actually decent and wasn't totally lopsided was this match where I pound the computer which most people complain about its difficulty. Double Mirror Orc.