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For as long as I can remember, he has been an invaluable asset to my life. I speak of none other than the great god Pan! A social template unmatched by any mortal in his ability to move and inspire me. As a young child, I distinctly recall breaking into fits of boisterous laughter upon sight of him (in my mythology books). Pan's image seemed to mirror my innate need for escapism; especially through music and dance. Now I'm not going to say that my childhood was any more difficult than that of others. However, my frequent isolation (possibly Capricorn related) left me longing for the tremendous sense of freedom I could draw from him at any given moment...

My teen years made 2 things strikingly evident: I had the lust of a satyr...and I would ALWAYS have the lust of a satyr! Childlike curiosities gave way to full blown urges as I remained in a constant state of readiness. Although I wasn't promiscuous, let's just say that the "weapon" in question had a full clip and a hair trigger (wink, wink). Ah, but I knew that this was more than a mere case of teenage hormones. Instinct assured me that my already uninhibited nature would only grow stronger with each passing year.

Well, at my current age (39) I can honestly say that I am closer to Pan than I have ever been! My thoughts, words and actions resonate with an energy that is distinctly my own, yet awash with his influence. This particularly holds true when I'm fortunate enough to spend time in a natural setting. Whether it be a tiny grove with trees populated by joyful songbirds, or a sprawling field with fragrant wildflowers spanning all colors of the spectrum; Pan's domain is my refuge in a twisted world where oil is fought for...and children are not! And so I give thanks by creating this website; dedicated to dispelling the many myths associated with the goat foot god. For example, modern Christian thinking equates Pan with the devil...NOT TRUE! This mindset is the direct result of propaganda instituted by the medieval church. Since the religious leaders of that time had already deemed the devil as having horns, it made it easier for them to persecute anyone who gave Pan favor (I'd have probably been burned at the stake). The horns were the culprit as they were thought to possess "evil power"...AGAIN, NOT TRUE! In fact, the Old Testament (of the Bible) views horns as a symbol of God-given power. So say it with me folks:


This is only one of the many facts I intend to offer (and fallacies I intend to dispel) by way of my personal insight. Over the course of the pages that follow, you will be treated to an audiovisually stimulating experience. An ongoing labor of love that I promise will be both entertaining and enlightening...much like Pan himself!

Arcadian Blessings,

'From Pan and Echo'

Pan, hairy-thighed and goat-footed
Roaming the valleys and foothills
Low down on Olympus, need
Stiffening his prick, clouding
His brain, each emission
A momentary release
From the bondage of Eros...

Where is he now? I see him,
In sunlight, flexing his thighs
At Mediterranean
Streetcorners. His nymphs descend
Giggling from aeroplanes, their
Ice-chip eyes scanning the locals
In search of the ultimate
Orgasm. These are easy lays who
Drive hard bargains.

Oh Echo!
Echo! He pursues you in markets,
He exposes his parts by the roadside. Every time
Your eye falls on that blunt paw
Groping his fly, your own thighs
Moisten. Turn away quickly,
Don your sunglasses, haggle
For tourist pots. You know he
Is watching still.

Edward Lucie-Smith

This site is gratefully dedicated to:

My Brother, Richard
My Mother, Maureen
My Cousin, Susanne

You each support me in your own way. And I would do backflips for you...if I were 20 years younger and 30 pounds lighter (ha, ha)!

In memory of:

My Great Grandmother, Marie
My Father, Cecil
My Godmother, Sylvia
My Spiritual Sister, Selma

You watch over me from Heaven. And to quote Janet, "...I can see your star, shinin' down on me." I love you all!

For Pan's origins,
click on the hillside below...

<BGSOUND SRC="waterbird.wav" loop=infinite>

Kindred Spirits:

Realm Of The Dark Gods
