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AAP Homepage

Aerial-Assault-Pilots Welcome to the Temperary home of AAP. If you would like to join email [AAP]Col.T@nk at or email [AAP]Capt. DrunkenMoose at Feel free to look around at what we have up and running. All recruits should contact [AAP]Col.T@nk at so I can get ur name and rank. (your name will not change just will have [AAP] in front of it and your rank.) Practices are not scheduled yet and neither are matches. PS This is a temperary webhost.

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  • The following people have already joined [AAP]:

    *[AAP]Col. T@NK

    *[AAP]Capt. DrunkenMoose

    *[AAP]Capt. Col.Sanders

    *[AAP]2Lt. Killerscoop !

    *[AAP]2Lt. Syrus

    *[AAP]2Lt. Leatherface