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  :: Welcome ::

Hello Battleaholics-R-Us members, this is the new and improved site that I (Willow_gurl) made for the guild. The guild colors still stands. More links means more offers, if the link boxes arent filled yet, they are going to be overflowing in the future! The guild is just begining to progress even more.

  "News Title" written by: Willow_gurl on Date 07-29-03
Please send a neomail to Willow_gurl if you would like to have a written statement in this box.

  "New Design! " written by: Willow_gurl on 5.26.02
Please send Willow_gurl a neomail if you would like to write something here.
.: News Updates :.
New Design!
Wiggy143 please send Willow_gurl an neomail for what you want here.
The design is just new, making it a little new for you. Some links may be broken, so just report it to Willow_gurl for an ASAP fixage.
.: Guild Info :.
Guild info you should know.
Founders' Name: Red
Founders' Username: Wiggy143
Webmasters' Username: Willow_gurl
Guild Home Designer: rubberducksarecool
Battle Tournament Winner: no one yet, tournament hasnt even started!
Member Of The Month: Coming soon
.: Poll :.
What should the battle tournaments prize be?
A super good battle item
A whole trade lot full of codestones
I dont care, im not going to participate because I dont want to.
.: Search :.
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© 2002-2003 Battleaholics-R-Us