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    6-17-03I didnt have good items then but a lot of np!
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    user : battle_duck133
    pet : bonjour138
    NP : 3,271,566

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    48 / 74
    Power 100%
     Ghost Lupe
    16 / 60
    Power 100%

    bonjour138On the last move...Ghost Lupe
    You sneak up behind Ghost Lupe and stab at them with the Lost Desert Dagger!

    You toss some of your Honey Potion at Ghost Lupe

    You fiercely attack Ghost Lupe!

    Ghost Lupe shoots the Grand Lightning Beam at you!

    Ghost Lupe tosses a Super Lupurus Tooth into the air, it explodes and showers sharp pieces down on you!
    Ghost Lupe uses Inertia against you!
    Ghost Lupe lessens your earth attack with Inertia!
    26 hp
    44 hp

    Quoth Ghost Lupe:
    So, you came back for more?!? What do you want?!? I am not in the mood for foolishness!

    Equipment (select up to two)

    This item is no ordinary shovel... it will give a little of your opponents attack back to them.  Limited Use. You can only equip one of these.
    Shovel Plus
    (Level 1)
    This magical snowball can be thrown at an opponent in the Battledome.  You can only use it once however, so stock up! Limited Use.
    Sticky Snowball
    (Level 1)
    This potion is a great weapon to use against any creature that doesnt respect nature. Only one per pet.
    Illusens Earth Potion
    (Level 1)
    This magical snowball can be thrown at an opponent in the Battledome.  You can only use it once however, so stock up! Limited Use.
    Sticky Snowball
    (Level 1)
    This pocket-sized weapon will serve you well in battle.
    Lost Desert Dagger
    (Level 1)

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