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    user : battle_duck133
    pet : coolio55
    NP : 3,400

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    145 / 154
    Power 100%
     Chia Clown
    64 / 142
    Power 100%

    bonjour138On the last move...Chia Clown
    You blast Chia Clown with a stream of water from your Battle Duck!!!

    You toss some of your Honey Potion at Chia Clown

    You fiercely attack Chia Clown!

    0 hp
    63 hp

    Quoth Chia Clown:
    Grrr... You froze me! :( What did you do that for?

    Equipment (select up to two)

    Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water...
    Battle Duck
    (Level 1)

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