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    user : battle_duck133
    pet : bonjour138
    NP : 180,503

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    140 / 180
    Power 100%
     The Brain Tree
    9 / 137
    Power 100%

    bonjour138On the last move...The Brain Tree
    You release a powerful blast of earth from the Illusens Earth Potion at The Brain Tree

    You toss some of your Honey Potion at The Brain Tree

    You fiercely attack The Brain Tree!

    The Brain Tree has used the Ultra Rainbow Flash against you!

    The Brain Tree has used the Attack Fork against you!
    The Brain Tree attacks you like berserk!
    40 hp
    128 hp

    Quoth The Brain Tree:
    Really? You want to fight again! Take my advice, stop while you are ahead...

    Equipment (select up to two)

    This mystic sceptre fires a streaming blast of chilling bubbles at your opponent.
    Pearly Koi Bubble Wand
    The lucky robots foot (ouch, looks sharp) is a mystical item that will revitalise your pet to full hit points. One Use.  Only one healing item can be equipped to your pet!
    Lucky Robots Foot
    Put these enchanted gloves on your Kois fins and he will soon be packing a powerful punch.
    Koi Battle Gloves
    This mystic sceptre fires a streaming blast of chilling bubbles at your opponent.
    Pearly Koi Bubble Wand

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